The relationship between collaboration with competitors and goods innovation performance wasinvestigated along with the moderating effect of the innovating firm?s technological capability. Thehypothesis that collaboration with competitors has an inverted U-shaped relationship with goodsinnovation performance was tested using data on new goods introductions from 749 Iranian firms.The results support the balance between competition and collaboration by confirming that collaborationwith competitors contributes considerably to successful goods innovation. The positiveinfluences of co-optation certainly seem consistent with the cooperative arguments that collaborationwith competitors increases absorptive capacity, improves information exchange and facilitatesjoint problem solving. The results also show that unnecessary collaboration with competitorscan have a negative influence on innovation performance, raising concerns about opportunisticexploitation. The results support the existence of a bell-shaped relationship between co-opetitionand goods innovation performance. Technological capability and alliances with universities wereshown to weaken the relationship.Hubungan antara kolaborasi dengan pesaing dan kinerja inovasi barang diinvestigasi bersamaandengan efek moderasi kapabilitas inovasi teknologi perusahaan. Hipotesis bahwa kolaborasi denganpesaing memiliki hubungan berbentuk U terbalik dengan kinerja inovasi barang diuji menggunakandata pada produk baru dari 749 perusahaan Iran. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keseimbanganantara persaingan dan kolaborasi berkontribusi pada kesuksesan inovasi barang. Pengaruh positifdari kooptasi terlihat konsisten dengan argumentasi bahwa kolaborasi dengan pesaing meningkatkanabsorptive capacity, meningkatkan pertukaran informasi dan memfasilitasi penyelesaianmasalah bersama. Hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa kolaborasi yang tidak penting dengan pesaingdapat berpengaruh negatif terhadap hubungan berbentuk bel antara koopetisi dan kinerja inovasibarang. Kapabilitas teknologi dan aliansi dengan universitas juga mampu melemahkan hubungantersebut. |