Latar Belakang: Nano Silver Fluoride NSF memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap Streptococcus mutans bakteri penyebab karies. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh NSF terhadap viabilitas S.mutans dalam berbagai fase pembentukan biofilm. Metode: Biofilm S.mutans diinkubasi selama 4 jam fase adhesi, 12 jam fase akumulasi aktif dan 24 jam fase maturasi pada suhu 37 C. Ketiga model biofilm dipapar NSF dengan konsentrasi Ag 0,4 F- 2,26, Ag 0,9 F- 2,26, Ag 1,4 F- 2,26, Ag 1,9 F- 2,26 selama 1 jam. Persentase viabilitas dinilai dengan menggunakan MTT assay. Hasil: Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna p>0,05 antara viabilitas biofilm pada fase adhesi, fase akumulasi aktif, ataupun fase maturasi. Kesimpulan: NSF mampu menurunkan viabilitas biofilm S.mutans dalam berbagai fase pembentukan. Background: Nano Silver Fluoride NSF has antibacterial effect against Streptococcus mutans that cause dental caries. Objective: To analyze the effect of NSF on the viability of S.mutans in various phases of biofilm formation. Methods: S.mutans biofilm was incubated for 4 hours adherence phase, 12 hours active accumulation phase and 24 hours maturation phase at 37 C then exposed by NSF at concentration Ag 0,4 F 2,26, Ag 0,9 F 2,26, Ag 1,4 F 2,26, Ag 1,9 F 2,26 for 1 hour. The percentage of viability was tested with MTT assay. Result: Biofilm viability of S.mutans in various phases showed no significant difference p 0,05. Conclusion: NSF can reduce the viability of S.mutans in various phases of biofilm formation. |