ABSTRAK Pada bulan september 2015, pemerintah mengeluarkan Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi Jilid XIIyang mana salah satu poin kebijakannya mengatur terkait dengan deregulasi 28 peraturanyang disesuaikan dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas koperasi dan UMKM. Dari 28peraturan menteri dirampingkan menjadi 16 permen yang salah satunya ialah PeraturanMenteri No. 10 Tahun 2015 tentang Kelembagaan Koperasi. Peraturan ini terbit demiterciptanya kepastian hukum, tertib administrasi, penguatan peran notaris, penggunaan mediaelektronik, serta penarikan wewenang pengesahan, perubahan, serta pembubaran koperasioleh kementerian. Disatu sisi terbitnya peraturan ini memberikan kemudahan terhadapkoperasi dengan sistem Online serta memberikan kepastian hukum bagi pelaku usahakoperasi seperti diperjelasnya terkait dengan ketentuan jangka waktu dalam beberaparumusan pasal yang ada. Namun disisi lain, Terdapat pasal yang bertentangan denganketentuan diatasnya, pengaturan yang tidak jelas, serta beban pelaku usaha bertambah dengandiharuskannya mempersiapkan SDM yang memahami ITE. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridisnormatif, melalui wawancara kepada informan dan studi dokumen untuk dapat memberikangambaran terhadap permasalahan yang diteliti. ABSTRACT In september 2015, the government enacted the Economic Policy Package Volume XII inwhich one of the policy points regulate related to the deregulation of the 28 rules which areadjusted in order to improve the quality of cooperatives and small medium entreprises. From28 ministerial regulations were trimmed to 16 ministerial regulations. Which one of thederegulated regulation is regarding the cooperative institutions. This regulation is publishedin order to create legal certainty, good administration, strengthening the role of the notary, theuse of electronic media, as well as the withdrawal of approval authority, changes, anddissolution of the cooperative by the ministry. The publication of this regulation provideconvenience to the cooperative with Online systems and providing legal certainty forcooperative businesses such as clarity regarding provisions period in some of the formulationof the articles. On the other hand, there are several articles that are contrary to the provisionsabove, the regulation is not clear, and the burden of cooperative businesses is increased bythe must to understand regarding information and electronic transaction. This research isnormative juridical research, through interviews with informants and document to provide apicture of the problems researched. |