Penelitian tentang pengetahuan lokal pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat dan nilai ekonominya dilakukan pada etnis Minangkabau di Kecamatan IX Koto Sungai Lasi, Solok, Sumatra Barat dari Februari-Juni 2016. Penelitian bertujuan mendokumentasikan pengetahuan lokal, mengkaji keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat, dan menghitung nilai ekonomi tumbuhan obat yang diperjualbelikan. Data dikumpulkan dengan pendekatan etnobotani melalui wawancara terbuka, semi terstruktur, observasi partisipatif dan survei pasar. Wawancara di masyarakat dilakukan pada 9 informan kunci, 255 responden umum, dan semua pedagang tumbuhan obat di Pasar Solok. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan statistika deskripti dan kuantitatif dengan menghitung nilai kultural Index of Cultural Significance, ICS , nilai kepentingan lokal Local User rsquo;s Value Index, LUVI dan nilai ekonomi tumbuhan obat. Sebanyak 213 spesies tumbuhan 174 genus; 68 famili memiliki 73 khasiat obat. Famili dengan jumlah spesies terbanyak dimanfaatkan adalah Poaceae dan Leguminosae 18 spesies . Nilai ICS tertinggi dimiliki karambia Cocos nucifera L . Dari nilai LUVI, didapat 10 penyakit dengan frekuensi serangan tertinggi di masyarakat. Ditemukan 38 spesies tumbuhan obat 31 genus; 24 famili diperjualbelikan di Pasar Solok, yang didominasi oleh famili Zingiberaceae 7 spesies . Nilai ekonomi tertinggi tumbuhan obat di Pasar Solok ditemukan pada bawang putiah Allium sativum L. sebesar Rp 11.999.970,00. Status konservasi tumbuhan obat yang diperjualbelikan: 34 spesies berstatus belum dievaluasi, 2 spesies terancam, 1 spesies beresiko rendah dan 1 spesies rentan. A research on the utilization of local knowledge of medicinal plants and its economic value by Minangkabau ethnic in Kecamatan IX Koto Sungai Lasi, Solok, West Sumatra was conducted in Februari June 2016. The study aims to document local knowledges, examines the diversity of medicinal plants, and calculate its economic value. Data were collected using ethnobotanical approach through open ended, semi structured interview partisipatory observation and market survey. The sample consisted of 9 key informants and 225 respondents, and all the trader of medicinal plants in Solok Market. Data were analyzed qualitatively using descriptive statistics and quantitavely by calculate the Index of Cultural Significance ICS , Local User rsquo s Value Index LUVI and the economic value of medicinal plants. A total 213 medicinal plants species 174 genera 68 families were reported to against 73 diseases. Poaceae and Leguminosae 18 species are the dominant families that used. The highest ICS owned by Karambia Cocos nucifera L . Based on LUVI analysis, there were 10 diseases with highest attack frequency in community. Based on market survey, around 38 species of medicinal plants 31 genera 24 families were traded. Zingiberaceae family were the dominant commodity 7 species . The highest economic value found in bawang putiah Allium sativum L. around Rp 11.999.970,00. Refers to Red List IUCN version 2016, medicinal plants conservation status that being traded were 34 species have not yet been assessed, 2 threatened, 1 at least concern and 1 vulnerable. |