ABSTRAK Klopidogrel merupakan salah satu terapi standar pada pasien SKA dan/atau pasien post IKP. Penggunaan klopidogrel di Indonesia sangat tinggi, namun diduga berbagai faktor dapat menyebabkan variasi hambatan agregasi trombosit yang mengakibatkan resistensi klopidogrel. Sebanyak 100 pasien SKA dan/atau post IKP diperiksa agregasi trombosit dengan metode LTA menggunakan ADP 20 M dan diambil data demografi, klinis, terapi, serta data polimorfisme genetik CYP2C19 2 dan 3. Resisten klopidogrel ditetapkan sebagai persen agregasi trombosit >59 . Proporsi resistensi klopidogrel sebanyak 36 36 . Faktor yang berperan terhadap resistensi klopidogrel adalah tidak merokok, DM, CYP2C19 2 dan 3 dengan prediktor paling dominan adalah polimorfisme CYP2C19 2.Kata kunci : klopidogrel, resistensi, agregasi, trombosit, CYP2C19 ABSTRACT Clopidogrel has become the standard therapy in patients with ACS and or post PCI. The use of clopidogrel in Indonesia is very high, but expected many factors can cause variability inhibition of platelet aggregation resulting clopidogrel resistance. Total of 100 patients with ACS and or post PCI were measured with platelet aggregation by LTA method using 20 M ADP and retrieved data of demographic, clinical, therapeutic, and the data on genetic polymorphism CYP2C19 2 and 3. Clopidogrel resistance was defined as percent platelet aggregation 59 . The proportion of clopidogrel resistant were 36 36 . Factors that contribute to clopidogrel resistance are non smoking status, diabetes, CYP2C19 2 and 3 with the most dominant predictor is polymorphism CYP2C19 2.Keywords clopidogrel, resistance, aggregation, platelet, CYP2C19 |