ABSTRAK Pada penelitian sebelumnya banyak digunakan pereduksi berbahan kimia seperti sodium sitrat, hidrazin, tetraklorida karbon, dan sianida emas yang mempunyai sifat racun, berbahaya, dan tidak ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan ekstrak daun mangkokan sebagai agen pereduksi yang ramah lingkungan. Sintesis AuNPs menggunakan metode centrifugal liqiud membrane CLM untuk melihat pembentukan AuNP pada antar fasa heksana ndash; air. Karakterisasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, Particle Size Analyzer PSA , Potential Zeta Charge PZC , Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM -SAED, Fourier Transmission Infra Red FT-IR , dan X-Ray Diffraction XRD . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fraksi air EDM memiliki rendemen 1.51 . AuNP-EDM telah berhasil di sintesis konsentrasi ekstrak optimum 0,009 ; 0,10 Mm larutan AuCL4-; pH; 4; memiliki panjang gelombang 530 nm serta memiliki kestabilan selama 30 hari. AuNP-EDM fraksi heksana memiliki rendemen 2,86 0,10 Mm larutan AuCL4-; pH; 4; memiliki panjang gelombang 540 nm serta memiliki kestabilan selama 28 hari. Morfologi AuNP-EDM dikarakterisasi menggunakan TEM memperlihatkan bentuk bulat serta memiliki ukuran 20 nm yang tersusun fasa kristal dalam bentuk face center cubic fcc Karakterisasi spektrofotometer FT-IR menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan gugus hidroksil -OH berperan sebagai pereduksi dan penstabil dalam sintesis AuNP-EDM. Bentuk kristalin Au dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD yaitu face center cubic FCC dengan hkl 111 ; 200 ; 220 ; 222 ; dan 311 serta mempunyai ukuran kristal 40 nm. Hasil sintesis AuNP-EDM menggunakan metode centrifugal liquid membrane CLM yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak optimum 0,007 , kecepatan rotasi 10.000 rpm, dan waktu pembentukan terhadap reaksi selama 60 menit paling baik. ABSTRACT In many previous studies used chemical based reducing agents such as sodium citrate, hydrazine, carbon tetrachloride, and gold cyanide which has toxic properties, hazardous, and environmentally unfriendly. This study uses mangkokan leaf extract as a reducing agent that is environmentally friendly. Synthesis AuNPs using centrifugal method liqiud membrane CLM to see the formation of the inter phase AuHP hexane ndash water. Characterization is done by using UV Vis spectrophotometer, Particle Size Analyzer PSA , Potential Zeta Charge PZC , Transmission Electron Microspcopy TEM SAED, Fourier Transmission spectrophotometer Infra Red FT IR , and X Ray Diffraction XRD . The result showed that the fraction of water EDM has a yield of 1,51 . AuNP EDM has been success carried out in optimum condition at the extract concentration of 0,009 0,10 mM solution of AuCl4 pH 4 and had a max as the phenomenom of surface plasmon resonance SPR at 530 nm. Hexane fraction AuNP EDM has a yield of 2,86 , 0,10 mM solution of AuCl4 pH 4 and had a max as the phenomenom of surface plasmon resonance SPR at 540 nm. Morphology AuNP EDM were characterized using TEM showed spherical shape and has a size of 20 nm are arranged in the form of face center cubic FCC . Characterization of FT IR spectrophotometer showed that the presence of hydroxyl OH serves as are reducing agent and stabilizer in the synthesis AuNP EDM. Au crystalline form characterized using XRD is face center cubic FCC with miller indeks hkl 111 200 220 222 and 311 and has a crystal size of 40 nm. AuNP EDM synthesized using centrifugal liquid membrane CLM which extract the optimum concentration of 0.007 , the rotational speed of 10,000 rpm, and the time of formation of the reaction for 60 minutes at the most good. |