Pada tahun 2011, di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, KabupatenBantul mempunyai jumlah tenaga bidan konselor ASI terbanyak, tetapicakupan ASI eksklusif masih menempati urutan terendah ketiga. Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pemberian ASIeksklusif melalui konseling oleh bidan konselor ASI berdasarkan faktor dis-posisi dan struktur birokrasi di puskesmas wilayah Kabupaten Bantul.Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini mengambil informan penelitian secara pur-posive dengan informan utama adalah empat orang bidan konselor ASI.Informan triangulasi adalah empat bidan koordinator, Kasie Gizi DinasKesehatan Kabupaten Bantul, empat kepala puskesmas, dan 12 orang ibuyang melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan, nifas dan imunisasi bayi kepuskesmas terpilih. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara men-dalam. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasilpenelitian menemukan implementasi kebijakan pemberian ASI melalui kon-seling ASI di puskesmas belum berjalan optimal, disposisi/ sikap bidan kon-selor ASI adalah menyetujui tugas memberikan konseling ASI. DinasKesehatan Kabupaten Bantul disarankan menyusun SOP pelaksanaankonseling ASI dan puskesmas disarankan melaporkan kinerja bidan kon-selor ASI ke dinas kesehatan.Bantul is a district that has the highest number of midwives counselor ofbreastfeeding in Yogyakarta Province with 40 persons but the exclusivebreastfeeding coverage of this district was the third lowest in 2011. Thestudy aimed to analyze the policy implementation of exclusive breastfeed-ing counseling by midwives counselor of breastfeeding based on dispositionand bureaucratic structure factors at Public Health Centers in Bantul district.Design of this study was descriptive qualitative using a purposive sampling.The main informants were four midwives counselor of breastfeeding inhealth centers and triangulation informants namely four head of health cen-ters, four coordinator of midwives, a head of nutrition section and 12 moth-ers i.e.pregnant women, postpartum mothers and mothers of infants thatare immunized at health center. Data were collected from in-depth interview.Processing and analysis of data by using content analysis. The result of thisstudy shows that breastfeeding policy implementation through breastfeed-ing counseling in health centers is not optimal, the midwives counselor ofbreastfeeding agreed to do breastfeeding counseling. It is suggested toBantul Regency Health to formulate standard operating procedures of mid-wife counselor of breastfeeding and for the health centers to reports the per-formance of midwives counselor of breastfeeding to regency health. |