PENYELIDIKAN STRUKTUR DAN KARAKTERISTIK TANAH UNTUK DESAIN PONDASIIRADIATOR GAMMA KAPASITAS 2 MCi. Penyelidikan tanah telah dilakukan sebelum pekerjaandisain struktur pondasi gedung iradiator. Pengambilan sample ditetapkan di beberapa titik bor di sitefasilitas Iradiator pada lapisan tanah terganggu maupun tidak terganggu. Dari hasil penyelidikantanah ini akan dipilih alternatif / jenis, kedalaman serta dimensi pondasi yang paling ekonomis tetapimasih aman. Metode penyelidikan tanah yang digunakan adalah Deep Boring, Undisturbed danDisturbed Sampling, SPT (Standar Penetration Test), CPT (Cone PenetrationTest/Sondir). Pengetesan dilakukan di lapangan dan di laboratorium mekanika tanah untukmengetahui sifat mekanik, ketebalan lapisan tanah dan sifat-sifat fisis lainnya guna perhitungan dayadukung pondasi. Hasil penyelidikan tanah di tiga titik bor didapatkan hasil rata-rata kedalaman tanahkeras -19,33 m dan daya lekat 3163,88 kg/cm?. Uji boring pada salah satu titik ditemukan lapisantanah keras pada kedalaman 32 m dengan nilai SPT maksimal 16. Maka dari data dapat ditentukanjenis pondasi yang sesuai adalah bored pile. Dikarenakan pondasi merupakan penopang strukturatas yang dapat mengakibatkan penurunan/ settlement jika daya dukungnya tidak mampu menahanbeban di atasnya.INVESTIGATION OF STRUCTURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL FOR FOUNDATIONDESIGN OF GAMMA IRRADIATORS CAPACITY 2 MCi. Soil investigation conducted before thework of irradiator building structural foundation design is initiated. Intake of sample was set at somepoint drill at Iradiator facility site to the disturbed soil layer or not disturbed. From the results of thissoil investigation will be selected as alternative / types, the depth and dimensions of the foundationof the most economical but still safe. Soil investigation method used was Deep Boring, undisturbedand disturbed sampling, SPT ( Standard Penetration Test ), CPT ( Cone Penetration Test / Sondir ).Testing conducted in the field and in the laboratory of soil mechanics to determine the mechanicalproperties, soil layer thickness and other physical properties for calculation of the bearing capacityof the foundation. The results of the soil investigation at the three-point drill showed the averagedepth of the bedrock -19.33 m and adhesion 3163.88 kg / cm?. Test boring at point BH1 found thebedrock at a depth of 32 m with a maximum SPT value 16. from the data can be determined theappropriate type of foundation is bored pile. The foundation is the upper structure support which canlead to a reduction / settlement if its bearing capacity is not able to withstand the load on it. |