ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosial demografi yangmempengaruhi pola permintaan pangan hewani (ikan, daging, unggas, telur dansusu) dan pengaruh perubahan harga dan pendapatan terhadap proporsipengeluaran pangan hewani pada rumah tangga di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Datayang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional(Susenas) tahun 2013 dengan melakukan analisis terhadap 13.018 sampel rumahtangga. Metode analisis adalah analisis deskriptif serta analisis ekonometrikamenggunakan model Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) denganpenduga Iterated Linear Least Square (ILLS). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwakonsumsi pangan hewani dipengaruhi oleh harga sendiri, harga komoditas lain,jumlah anggota rumah tangga, golongan pendapatan, wilayah tempat tinggal(perdesaan/ perkotaan), dan tingkat pendidikan kepala rumah tangga. Nilaielastisitas harga sendiri menunjukkan permintaan komoditas bersifat inelastisuntuk ikan dan susu, sementara daging, unggas dan telur bersifat elastis.Berdasarkan nilai elastisitas harga silang, semua komoditi pangan hewanimerupakan barang substitusi kecuali komoditi daging merupakan barangkomplementer bagi unggas. Komoditi ikan dan telur termasuk barang normalsedangkan komoditi daging, unggas dan susu termasuk barang mewah ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the socio-demographic factors affectinganimal-based food demand (fish, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy) and the effect ofprice fluctuation and household income to expenditure share of animal-based foodin South Sulawesi Province. The primary data for the study was NationalSocioeconomic Survey (Susenas) data in 2013. The study performed descriptiveanalysis and econometric analysis on 13.018 household samples. QuadraticAlmost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) models with Iterated Linear LeastSquare (ILLS) estimator was applied for the econometric analysis. The studyshowed demand pattern of animal-based household food was affected the price ofanimal-based food, the price of other commodities, number of household member,income class, residential area (urban/rural), and education level of the householdhead. The price elasticity of animal-based food showed inelastic for fish anddairy; whereas meat, poultry and egg were tended to be elastic. Based on thecross-price elasticity, all animal-based food commodities substituted each otherexcept for meat which was complimentary to poultry. Fish and egg werecategorized as necessity goods, as for meat, poultry and dairy are categorized asluxury goods. |