ABSTRAK Penyakit Jantung Koroner adalah pembunuh nomor satu di dunia, sulit ditanganikarena banyak faktor risiko yang berkontribusi. Penelitian bertujuan untukmengidentifikasi perilaku hidup pekerja PT. BXX yang dibentuk oleh faktorpredisposisi, faktor pemungkin, dan faktor pendorong, menggunakan sequentialexploratory design, dimulai dengan pengambilan data kuantitatif untuk melihatgambaran faktor risiko perilaku hidup, diikuti kualitatif melalui Focus GroupDiscussion untuk memperdalam analisis faktor risiko yang teridentifikasi. Hasiltelitian mend apatkan perilaku hidup sebagian besar pekerja PT. BXX tidak sehat,yaitu 57,89% responden kurang konsumsi sayur dan buah, 46,05% respondentidak berolahraga, 40,79% kurang olahraga, dan 93,42% responden mengalamikelebihan berat badan dan kegemukan. ABSTRACT Coronary Heart Disease is the number one killer in this world, it is difficult to becured because there are many factors that contributing on it. This research aims toidentify life behavior of PT. BXX workers which formed by pre-disposing factors,enabling factors, and reinforcing factors. Sequential exploratory design is used bycollecting quantitative data at the beginning to describe the risk factors of lifebehavior, followed by the qualitative data which is collected by holding a FocusGroup Discussion to analyze the identified risk factors further. This researchresult shows that the life behavior of majority of PT. BXX workers are unhealthy,which are explained more that 57.89% of the respondents are consuming lessvegetable and fruit, 46,05% of the respondents are not working out, and 93,42%of the respondents are overweight and obese |