ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari dimensi persepsi psychological empowerment meaning, competence, choice, impact dan persepsi leader member exchange terhadap dimensi perceived employee retention compensation, job characteristic, training practice, career development, worklife balance . Dalam penelitian ini proses pengumpulan data menggunakan survey/kuisioner. Objek penelitian kali ini adalah 133 orang yang terdiri dari staff, asisten manajer, manajer dan supervisor di PT Hotel Sahid Jaya International, Tbk wilayah Jakarta. Dengan menggunkan metode general linear model GLM pada SPSS versi 20, penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa dimensi persepsi pshycological empowerment meaning memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap dimensi perceived employee retention training practice . Dimensi persepsi psychological empowerment choice memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap dimensi perceived employee retention compensation . Dimensi persepsi psychologiacal empowerment impact memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap 3 dimensi perceived employee retention compensation, career development, worklife balance . Selain itu, pada penelitian ini juga menunjukan hasil bahwa persepsi leader member exchange memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifiakan terhadap keseluruhan dimensi perceived employee retention compensation, job characteristic, training practice, career development dan worklife balance . Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa peningkatan pada dimensi persepsi psychological empowerment dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dalam memperbesar keingian karyawan yang berpotensi untuk tetap bekerja dalam perusahaan tersebut. ABSTRACT The study contains the impact of dimensions perception psychological empowerment meaning, competence, choice, impact and perception leader member exchange on dimensions perceived employee retention compensation, job characteristic, training practice, career development, worklife balance . The process of collecting data in this research with survey questionnaire. Object of this study is 133 person consist of staff, assistant managers, managers and supervisors at PT Hotel Sahid Jaya Internatinal, Tbk. By using the general linear models GLM in SPSS version 20, this research showed that dimensions perception psychological empowerment meaning has positive influence on dimensions perceived employee retention training practice . Dimensions perception psychologiacal empowerment choice has positive influence on dimensions perceived employee retention compensation . Dimensions perception psychologiacal empowerment impact has positive influence on 3 dimensions perceived employee retention compensation, career development, worklife balance . In addition, this study found that perception leader member exchange has positive influence on over all dimensions of perceived employee retention compensation, job characteristic, training practice, career development dan worklife balance . Thus, this study found that increased dimensions of perception psychological empowerment required by the company in the process of increase employee retention in the organization. |