ABSTRACT As services are increasingly becoming driving forces of economies, the introduction of new services to satisfy customer needs is becoming a critical issue for telecommunication company. Telkomsel as a telecommunication company that holding the biggest market share in Indonesia, still struggle with its competitors, especially in its post paid services namely Kartu Halo. This research attempts to address the consumer issue and impact of service innovation on consumer loyalty. The study observes service innovation loyalty from the consumer perspective specifically, technology leadership, service leadership, switching cost, brand equity, and customization. The conceptual model examines the relevant relationships among the constructs by using structural equation modeling SEM with the help of LISREL 8.51 software. Findings from the research sample support the argument that service leadership, brand equity, and customization are the key determinants of loyalty, but not with the technology leadership. The further explanation, and suggestion based on the conducted research and questionnaires that spread in Jabodetabek area will be shown in this research. ABSTRAK Karena layanan semakin mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengenalan layanan baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan menjadi isu penting bagi perusahaan telekomunikasi. Telkomsel sebagai perusahaan telekomunikasi yang memegang pangsa pasar terbesar di Indonesia, masih berjuang dengan pesaingnya, terutama dalam layanan pasca bayar yaitu Kartu Halo. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjawab permasalahan konsumen dan dampak inovasi layanan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Studi ini mengamati loyalitas inovasi layanan dari perspektif konsumen; khususnya, technology leadership, service leadership, switching cost, brand equity, dan customization. Model konseptual menguji hubungan yang relevan antara konstruksi dengan menggunakan structural equation modeling SEM dengan bantuan software LISREL 8.51. Temuan dari sampel penelitian mendukung argumen bahwa switching cost, service leadership, brand equity, dan customization merupakan faktor penentu utama loyalitas, namun tidak dengan technology leadership. Penjelasan lebih lanjut, dan saran berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dan kuesioner yang tersebar di wilayah Jabodetabek akan ditunjukkan dalam penelitian ini. |