Melastoma malabathricum merupakan anggota suku Melastomataceae yangberpotensi dikembangkan sebagai tanaman obat dan fitoremediator. Oleh karenaitu, kultur in vitro dapat dilakukan untuk perbanyakan dan penelitian lanjutan.Penelitian kultur in vitro daun M. malabathricum dilakukan untuk mengetahuirespons eksplan terhadap penambahan zat pengatur tumbuh TDZ (0,1,2, dan 3mgl-1) dan 2,4-D (0; 0,1; 0,2 mgl-1) secara tunggal maupun kombinasi. Kalus yangterbentuk pada seluruh perlakuan memiliki warna dan tekstur yang beragam. Padaperlakuan TDZ tunggal, 2,4-D tunggal, dan kombinasi keduanya, dihasilkankisaran 75-95 %, 95-100 %, dan 45-90 % eksplan yang membentuk kalus.Akar adventif terbentuk pada perlakuan 0,1 mgl-1 (70 %) dan 0,2 mgl-1 2,4-D (60%). Lebih lanjut, tunas adventif terbentuk pada perlakuan 1 mgl-1 (15 %), 2 mgl-1(5 %) dan 3 mgl-1 TDZ (5 %). Persentase kuantifikasi kalus pada perlakuan 0,1mgl-1 2,4-D (63 %); 0,2 mgl-1 2,4-D (50 %); 2 mgl-1 TDZ (42 %) dan 3 mgl-1 TDZ(50 %) cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lain, yaitu dengan skor 3kategori jumlah kalus sedang. Dengan demikian, eksplan daun dapat meresponsmedium dengan membentuk kalus pada seluruh medium perlakuan, meresponsakar adventif hanya pada medium 2,4-D tunggal, dan merespons tunas adventifhanya pada medium TDZ tunggalMelastoma malabathricum is a member of the Melastomataceae family that ispotential to be developed as a medicinal purpose and phytoremediation plant.Therefore, cultivation such as by in vitro culture, should be useful. The aim of thisresearch was to know effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and thidiazuron(TDZ) toward growth and development of the leaves culture of Melastomamalabathricum. Explant were cultured in solid MS containing single orcombination TDZ (0, 1, 2, 3 mgl-1) and 2,4-D (0; 0,1; 0,2 mgl-1). Various colorand texture of callus was induced in all treatments. In the presence of single TDZ,single 2,4-D, and both TDZ & 2,4-D, about 75-95 %, 95-100 %, and 45-90% explants produced callus, respectively. Root adventitious was produced in 0,1mgl-1 (70 %) and 0,2 mgl-1 2,4-D (60 %). Furthermore, shoot adventitious wasinitiated in 1 mgl-1 (15 %), 2 mgl-1 (5 %) and 3 mgl-1 TDZ (5 %). Percentage ofcallus quantification in treatment 0,1 mgl-1 2,4-D (63%); 0.2 mgl-1 2,4-D (50%); 2mgl-1 TDZ (42%) and 3 mgl-1 TDZ (50%) were higher than other treatments.Research about in vitro culture from leaves of M. malabathricum on MS mediacontaining single or combination TDZ (0; 0,1; 0,2 mgl-1) and 2,4-D (0, 1, 2, 3mgl-1) has been conducted. Callus were induced on 12 different media,adventitious root were induced only on single 2,4-D media, and adventitious shootwere induced only on single TDZ media |