Skripsi ini membahas tentang literasi informasi mahasiswa internasional pada Program BIPA di Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 6 orang mahasiswa BIPA yang dipilih dengan metode random sampling untuk diwawancara dengan pertanyaan yang merujuk pada teori literasi informasi Big6 yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis kemampuan literasi informasi informan dengan 6 tahap Big6 yaitu, definisitugas, strategi penelusuran informasi, lokasi dan akses, penggunaan informasi, sintesis, serta evaluasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa mahasiswa internasional program BIPA di FIB UI melakukan tahapan literasi informasi tanpa mereka sadari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi yang timbul dari luar perkuliahan yaitu, kebutuhan informasi dasar, informasi tentang pekerjaan masing-masing, informasi tentang perbedaan bahasa kosakata dan informasi tentang hobi masing-masing informan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan literasi informasi setiap mahasiswa BIPA yang dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan Bahasa Indonesia informan, latar belakang kemampuan/pengalaman Bahasa Indonesia informan sebelum tinggal di Indonesia sebelum menjadi mahasiswa BIPA, dan lama tinggal di Indonesia. This research aims to analyze information literacy skill of Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing BIPA students at Universitas Indonesia in accordance with their foreign language learning need, Bahasa. Einsberg 2004 asserted that information literacy skill is important in foreign language learning. This can be seen from the purpose of foreign language learning comprising of communication, culture, relation, comparison and community which increases the need of information literacy learning to overcome the problems concerning the learning. In order to support the need, the collaboration between information literacy and the use of Bahasa by BIPA students is necessary. Lecture curricula for foreign students would be more up to date if it is adjusted to information need of the students. BIPA students are foreign students who study Indonesian language as their foreign language or it can be called as Indonesian as Foreign Language IFL. Information literacy skill of BIPA students will be analyzed using Big6, consisting of problem defining stage, information finding strategy, location and access, information use, synthesis and evaluation. This research is using qualitative approach with case study method. Data for this research is collected through interviews, observation and literature study. Research informants were 6 six people selected using random sampling. They consisted of two students from South Korea and one student from Slovakia, Japan, Netherland and Vietnam. Most existing researches discuss English as foreign language second language EFL ESL, but no research on information literacy related to Indonesian as foreign language second language. Therefore, this research is going to fill the gap between the previously conducted researches on information literacy related to language skill. |