Tesis ini membahas strategi market development yang dijalankan oleh coach dalam bentuk kegiatan sales promotion di Bengkel XYZ. UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Bengkel XYZ bergerak di bidang industri otomotif dan terletak di Margonda, Depok, Jawa Barat, menyediakan layanan penjualan aksesoris dan onderdil, perawatan berkala dan perbaikan, serta peningkatan peforma mobil. Untuk mengetahui kendala, khususnya dibidang pemasaran, yang dialami oleh Bengkel XYZ, coach melakukan proses observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan pemilik, dan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap pelanggan. Hal ini dilakukan agar data-data tersebut dapat menjadi dasar dari strategi market development yang akan diterapkan di Bengkel XYZ. This thesis discusses the strategy of market development which is run by coach in the form of sales promotion activity in Bengkel XYZ. MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) XYZ's workshop is engaged in the automotive industry and is located in Margonda, Depok, West Java, providing sales service of accessories and spare parts, periodic maintenance and repair, and improved car performance. To know the obstacles, especially in the field of marketing, experienced by XYZ Workshop, the coach conducts field observation, interviews with the owner, and distributes questionnaires to customers. This is done so that these data can be the basis of market development strategy that will be applied in XYZ Workshop. |