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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Strategi Pengembangan Industri Antariksa China Periode 2014-2018 = Strategy of China Space Industry Development Period 2014-2018

Yunita Permatasari; Asra Virgianita, supervisor; Rakhmat Syarip, supervisor; Keliat, Makmur, examiner; Agung Nurwijoyo, examiner; Hariyadi Wirawan, examiner (Universitas Indonesia, 2019)


Penelitian ini menganalisis mengenai strategi pengembangan industri antariksa China berfokus pada peran swasta domestik dalam keberhasilan pengembangan industri antariksa China pada 2014-2018. Penulis menganalisis melalui bentuk kerja sama antara perusahaan antariksa swasta domestik dan pemerintah dengan indikator keberhasilan melalui pencapaian teknologi maupun proyek antariksa China, beserta dengan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengambilan data melalui studi dokumen. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi pengembangan industri antariksa China dalam mengejar keberhasilan space faring nations melalui adanya kerja sama secara antara pemerintah China dengan sektor swasta domestik. Kerja sama tersebut tergambar melalui empat bentuk. Pertama, disciplined support melalui pemberian subsidi pemerintah yang disertai pengawasan rutin dan pemberian penalti. Kedua, public risk absorption dengan meminimalisasi risiko awal perusahaan diikuti dengan memediasi perusahaan dan konsumen. Ketiga, private initiative in public policies adanya inisiatif swasta untuk pengembangan industri sehingga pemerintah menyokongnya dalam kebijakan publik. Keempat, public-private innovation alliances yaitu kolaborasi antara pemerintah dan swasta dalam riset teknologi industri sehingga risiko yang muncul ditanggung secara bersama-sama.

This study attempts to analyze the strategy of developing the Chinese space industry focusing on the role of the domestic private sector in the success of the development of the Chinese space industry in 2014-2018. The author analyzes through forms of cooperation between domestic and government private space companies with indicators of success through technological achievements and the Chinese space project, along with the factors that influence it. The author uses qualitative research methods with data collection through document studies. This study found that the strategy of developing the Chinese space industry in pursuing the success of space faring nations through the cooperation between Chinese government and domestic private sector. The cooperation is illustrated through four patterns. First, disciplined support through government subsidies accompanied by routine supervision and penalties. Second, public risk absorption by minimizing the company's initial risk is followed by mediating between companies and consumers. Third, private initiatives in public policies are private initiatives for industrial development so that the government supports them in public policy. Fourth, public-private innovation alliances, namely collaboration between the government and the private sector in industrial technology research so that the risks that arise are borne together.

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No. Panggil : T53182
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 125 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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