ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh keberadaan wanita dan dewan independen dalam dewandireksi dan komisaris terhadap kinerja perusahaan yang ditemukan di Indonesia. Sampelyang digunakan berjumlah total 805 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia padaperiode 2013 hingga 2017. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan variabel independen meliputipersentase dewan direksi wanita, persentase dewan komisaris wanita, persentase dewandireksi independen, persentase dewan komisaris independen. Penelitian juga menggunakanvariable dummy, diantaranya keberadaan direksi utama wanita, keberadaan komisaris utamawanita, dan keberadaan dewan direksi dan komisaris wanita dalam satu perusahaan.Sedangkan variabel control yang digunakan antara lain persentase saham institusional,persentase saham internal, nilai ROA, leverage, total asset, jumlah anggota dewan, persentasesaham asing. Variabel tersebut akan diregresikan pada variabel dependen, yaitu Tobins Q.Data yang diregresi akan diuji menggunakan analisis deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, dan ujikoefisien determinasi. Hasil yang diperoleh memungkinkan adanya pengaruh yangdihasilkan oleh persentase komisaris perempuan, ersentase dewan komisaris independen, danpengaruh keberadaan direktur utama dan komisaris utama wanita dalam satu perusahaanterhadap peningkatan kinerja perusahaan ABSTRACT This study discusses the influence of the presence of women and independent councils on theboard of directors and commissioners on the performance of companies found in Indonesia.The sample used amounted to a total of 805 companies listed on the Indonesia StockExchange in the period 2013 to 2017. The independent variables included the percentage offemale board of directors, percentage of female board of commissioners, percentage ofindependent board of directors, percentage of independent board of commissioners. Theresearch also uses dummy variables, including the presence of the main female directors, thepresence of the main female commissioners, and the presence of main female board ofdirectors and commissioners in one company. While the control variables used includepercentage of institutional shares, percentage of internal shares, value of ROA, leverage,total assets, number of board members, percentage of foreign shares. The variable will beregressed on the dependent variable, namely Tobins Q. The regression data will be testedusing descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, and test coefficient of determination. Theresults obtained allow for the influence generated by the percentage of femalecommissioners, the percentage of independent commissioners, and the influence of thepresence of female directors and commissioners in one company on improving company performance.. |