Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, konsep social entrepreneurship telah menarik perhatian pemerintah, akademisi, dan praktisi dengan karakteristik gandanya yang menciptakan keuntungan ekonomi dan manfaat sosial, dalam usaha memecahkan permasalahan sosial. Studi ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dimensi-dimensi employee engagement dan resilience yang mempengaruhi social entrepreneurial intentions karyawan sebuah social enterprise di Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan Teori Perilaku Terencana (Theory of Planned Behavior) dari Ajzen sebagai kerangka konseptual. Dimensi employee engagement dalam studi ini terdiri atas vigor, dedication, dan absorption, sementara dimensi dari resilience terdiri dari hardiness dan persistence. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai alat utama pengumpulan data, yang dianalisa dengan statistik deskriptif dan regresi linier berganda. Kuesioner dengan 38 butir pernyataan direspon oleh 136 responden. Penelitian menggunakan metode total sampling dimana jumlah sampel sama dengan populasi. 47% (N = 64) responden adalah laki-laki dan 63% (N = 72) dengan mayoritas responden berusia 26 sampai 30 tahun. Secara umum, persepsi karyawan akan social entrepreneurship intentions, employee engagement, dan resilience relatif tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa employee engagement dan resilience dapat memprediksi social entrepreneurial intentions. Korelasi positif dan signifikan ditemukan antara dimensi dedication dari employee engagement secara bersama-sama dengan dimensi hardiness dan persistence dari resilience terhadap social entrepreneurial intentions. Pengaruh tertinggi diberikan oleh dimensi hardiness dari resilience. In recent years, the concept of social entrepreneurship has attracted the interest of governments, academics, and practitioners for its dual nature in creating both economic and social values, in efforts to solve social issues. This study aims to identify dimensions of employee engagement and resilience impacting social entrepreneurial intentions of employees in a social enterprise in Indonesia, using Ajzens Theory of Planned Behavior as conceptual framework. Engagement in this study consists of vigor, dedication, and absorption, while resilience dimensions encompass hardiness and persistence. Questionnaires were used as main instrument to collect data, which was later analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. A 38-item questionnaire was responded by 136 respondents. This research used total sampling method. 47% (N = 64) respondents were male and 63% (N = 72) were female. Majority of the respondents were between 26 and 30 years old. Overall, employees perception of their social entrepreneurial intentions, employee engagement, and resilience is relatively high. Results showed that engagement and resilience do predict social entrepreneurial intentions. There are also positive and significant influences of dedication of engagement and hardiness and persistence of resilience on social entrepreneurial intentions. The most dominant impact comes from hardiness dimension of resilience. |