ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku knowledge sharing (KS) antar staf pustakawan. Penelitianini merupakan penelitian studi kasus pada perpustakaan Undiksha, subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pustakawan, tenagaadministrasi dan teknisi yang berjumlah 25 orang. Sedangkan, objek kajiannya adalah perilaku KS. Pendekatan learning auditmodel digunakan dalam menentukan nilai dari informasi dan sekaligus menentukan efektifitas dari proses KS yang dilakukan.Data dikumpulkan melalui angket, wawancara dan observasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa deskripsi perilaku KS antar staf pustakawan tergolong cukup positif dengan persentase68,7%. Faktor pendorong perilaku KS antar staf pustakawan pada perpustakaan Undiksha adalah motivasi intrinsik sebesar87,5% (sangat positif), penerimaan pengetahuan sebesar 78,8% (positif), sikap terhadap KS sebesar 78,2% (positif), loss ofknowledge power sebesar 78,1% (positif), kowledge self-efficacy sebesar 77,6% (positif) dan pengiriman pengetahuan sebesar72,4% (positif). Selain itu, ditemukan pula beberapa aspek lain yang dapat mendorong KS seperti: kepercayaan,kesetiakawanan, keterbukaan, kebersaman, kekeluargaan dan komunikasi. Sebaliknya, faktor-faktor penghambat perilaku KSantar staf pustakawan pada perpustakaan Undiksha adalah motivasi eksternal sebesar 49,6% (negatif), respon balik/feedbacksebesar 69,3% (cukup positif), iklim organisasi sebesar 68,5% (cukup positif), norma subjektif sebesar 64,2% (cukup positif),norma timbal balik sebesar 62,1% (cukup positif), motivasi introjektif sebesar 60,5% (cukup positif), teknologi informasi dankomunikasi sebesar 59,1 % (cukup positif). ABSTRACT The aims of this study were to describe the behavior of knowledge sharing (KS) among librarian. This research was a casestudy in the library of Undiksha, so that the subjects of this study are librarians, administrative staff and technicians, totaling25 persons. Meanwhile, the object of the study was the behavior of KS. Audit learning approach model was used indetermining the value of the information and also to determine the effectiveness of the process undertaken KS. Data werecollected through questionnaires, interviews and observation. The collected data were analyzed descriptively. The resultsshowed that the description of the KS behavior among librarian was quite positive with a percentage of 68.7%. The drivingfactors of KS behavior among librarian at the library of Undiksha were the intrinsic motivation of 87.5% (very positive), thereception of knowledge by 78.8% (positive), attitude towards KS amounted to 78.2% (positive), loss of knowledgepower amounted to 78.1% (positive), knowledge self-efficacy of 77.6% (positive) and delivery of knowledge 72.4%(positive). In addition, there were also some other aspects found that can encourage KS such as: trust, solidarity, openness,collaboration, family and communication. Conversely, factors inhibiting KS behavior among librarian at the library ofUndiksha were external motivation of 49.6% (negative), feedback of 69.3% (quite positive), organizational climate 68.5%(quite positive), subjective norm by 64.2% (quite positive), the norm of reciprocity amounted to 62.1% (quite positive),introjective motivation by 60.5% (quite positive), and the information technology and communications at 59.1% (quitepositive). |