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Upaya optimasi last mile delivery gap antara kebutuhan operator pengiriman barang dan strategi adiministrator kota = Efforts on last mile delivery optimization gap between freight operators needs and city administrator strategy

Prahara Yanottama; Nahry, supervisor; Alan Marino, examiner; R. Jachrizal Sumabrata, examiner (Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020)


Last mile delivery merupakan segmen transportasi logistik yang paling banyak menuai dampak negatif akibat fragmentasi yang terjadi serta diperumit dengan fakta bahwa sebagian besar segmen itu terjadi di kawasan urban, kawasan padat penduduk yang juga tinggi akan mobilitas. Dampak negatif hasil transportasi logistik; berupa polusi (suara, udara, dan getar), kemacetan, intrusi visual, dsb; tidak hanya dirasakan oleh para pelaku logistik, melainkan masyarakat luas yang tidak terlibat langsung pada kegiatan tersebut. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah sebagai administrator kota berkewajiban untuk menjamin kualitas hidup rakyatnya. Di sisi lain, operator logistik selaku penggerak sektor ini juga memiliki keterbatasan dalam pengubahan sistem operasinya akibat memerlukan modal yang tidak sedikit, terbatasnya margin, serta tuntutan konsumennya akan pelayanan yang baik dengan harga yang murah. Kedua pemangku kepentingan tersebut, pemerintah dan operator logistik, merupakan pihak yang memiliki pengaruh besar akan implementasi perbaikan sistem transportasi logistik dalam kota. Kolaborasi antar keduanya diperlukan, meski masing-masing pihak memiliki kepentingannya sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengidentifikasi gap kepentingan masing-masing pemangku kepentingan dalam mewujudkan suatu solusi permasalahan logistik. Solusi yang dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah Urban Consolidation Center, Bahan bakar B20, Limited Traffic Zone, serta Pembaruan Armada. Metode survey melalui kuisioner dan wawancara kepada operator logistik dan administrator kota pemerintah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pandangan dari masing masing pihak terhadap masing-masing isu dari solusi tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kedua belah pihak masih memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang dalam implementasi kebijakan baru sebagai solusi permasalahan logistik, terutama pihak pemerintah. Walaupun pengetahuannya masih kurang, operator logistik menunjukkan bahwa pihaknya responsif dan terbuka terhadap isu-isu terbaru. Di sisi lain, pemerintah juga menunjukkan bahwa pihaknya turut memperhatikan pandangan operator logistik dalam mencanangkan kebijakan. Dari kedua hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa seluruh fasilitas yang dibahas pada penelitian ini mungkin untuk diimplementasikan.

Last mile delivery is the logistics transportation segment that is most likely to produce the negative impacts due to the occuring fragmentation and is complicated by the fact that most of these segments occur in urban areas-densely populated areas that are also high in mobility. Negative impact from the logistics transportation such as pollution (sound, air, and vibration pollution), congestion, visual intrusion, etc. are not only felt by who are involved, but also the wider community who are not directly took a part in these activities. In this case, the government as the administrator of the city is obliged to guarantee the quality of life of its people. On the other hand, logistics operators as the drivers of this sector, also have limitations in changing the operating system due to the need for a capital which the amount of it is not small, limited margins, as well as consumers demands for good service at low prices. The two stakeholders the government and the logistics operator are the parties who have a major influence on the implementation of improvements to the logistics transportation system in the city. Collaboration between the two is needed, although each party has its own interests. The purpose of this study is to identify the gap of the interests of each stakeholder in realizing a solution to logistics problems. The solutions that will be discussed in this study are, Urban Consolidation Center, B20 Fuel, Limited Traffic Zone, and Fleet Renewal. The survey method are conducted through questionnaires and interviews with the logictics operators and the city administrator government in order to get the insights from each party on each of the issues of the solution. The results of this study shows that both of the parties have lack of knowledge of the implementation of the new policy as the solution for the logistics problem, especially the government. Eventhough the knowledge is still lacking, the logistics operator shows they are still responsive and open with the recent issues. In the other hand, the government also shows that they pay attention to the logistics operators viewpoint regarding to the decalaration of the policy. From those two aspects, we can conclude that the whole amenities which are discussed in this study could be implemented.

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Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : viii, 142 pages : illustration ; appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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