Tujuan: Menilai perubahan latensi dan amplitudo P100 PRVEP pada kelompok yangdiberikan suplementasi sitikolin oral dibandingkan dengan terapi oklusi saja.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi double masked randomized clinical trialProses randomisasi membagi pasien menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok denganpemberian sirup sitikolin 500 mg (n: 15 S-ambliopia) dan sirup placebo (n: 15 Pambliopia).Jumlah subjek pada akhir follow-up bulan ke-3 sebanyak 12 subjekkelompok sitikolin dan 11 subjek kelompok plasebo. Pemeriksaan oftalmologilengkap dan PRVEP (checkerboard 15 min arc dan 60 min arc) dilakukan sebelumintervensi, follow up bulan ke-1 dan follow up bulan ke-3.Hasil: 23 subjek dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Dari seluruh subjek, 65,2% adalahperempuan dan 34,8% adalah laki-laki dengan usia rata-rata 9,1 ± 2,11 tahun. Tidakterdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik perubahan nilai amplitudo (15 min arcp=0,806; 60 min arc p=0,975) dan latensi (15 min arc p=0,218; 60 min arc p=0,734)P100 PRVEP pada follow up ke-3 pada kelompok sitikolin dibandingkan dengankelompok plasebo.Kesimpulan: Perubahan nilai amplitudo dan latensi P100 PRVEP serta proposionalkenaikan tajam penglihatan pada kelompok sitikolin tidak berbeda dibandingkandengan kelompok plasebo. Tidak adanya korelasi antara perubahan amplitudo danlatensi terhadap proporsional kenaikan tajam penglihatan pada pasien ambliopia. Objectives: To assess the changes in amplitude and latency P100 PRVEP in the groupgiven oral citicoline supplementation compared to occlusion therapy alone.Methods: This study was a double-masked, randomized clinical trial. Therandomization process divided patients into two groups, namely the group with 500mg of citicoline syrup (n: 15 C-amblyopia) and placebo syrup (n: 15 P-amblyopia).The number of subjects at the end of the 3rd-month follow-up was 12 subjects in theciticoline group and 11 subjects in the placebo group. Complete ophthalmologicalexamination and PRVEP (checkerboard 15 min arc and 60 min arc) were performedbefore the intervention, a month follow-up, and a three-month follow-up.Results: 23 subjects were included in this study. Of all the subjects, 65.2% werefemale, and 34.8% were male with a mean age of 9.1 ± 2.11 years. There was nostatistically significant difference in changes in the amplitude (15 min arc p=0,806;60 min arc p=0,975) and latency (15 min arc p=0,218; 60 min arc p=0,734) values ofthe P100 PRVEP 3rd-month follow-up in the citicoline group compared to the placebogroup.Conclusion: Changes in the amplitude and latency values of the PRVEP P100 andthe mean proportional improvement in visual acuity in the citicoline group were notdifferent compared to the placebo group. There was no correlation between changesin amplitude and latency with a mean proportional improvement in visual acuity inamblyopia patients. |