Arginase (L-arginine ureahydrolase) adalah enzim yang berperan dalam siklusurea. Arginase juga memainkan peran penting dalam produksi nitrat oksida (NO).Gangguan keseimbangan NO merupakan kontributor terjadinya gangguan fungsiendotel pembuluh darah. Senyawa fenol dan flavonoid diketahui mempunyaiaktivitas penghambatan arginase. Genus Sterculia kaya dengan senyawa fenol danflavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan senyawa dari tanaman genusSterculia yang mempunyai aktivitas penghambatan arginase. Penelitian diawalidengan skrining dari 5 tanaman genus Sterculia yaitu: S. macrophylla, S. comosa,S.parkinsonii, S.rubiginosa, S.stipulata. Bagian yang digunakan adalah daun dankayu. Ekstrak diuji aktivitas inhibitor enzim arginase dan antioksidan denganmetode DPPH dan FRAP. Ekstrak yang aktif adalah ekstrak metanol kayu Sterculiacomosa dan ekstrak metanol kayu Sterculia macrophylla. Ekstrak aktif dipisahkandengan kromatografi kolom vakum menjadi fraksi. Tiap fraksi di uji aktivitasinhibitor enzim arginase dan antioksidan dengan metode FRAP dan DPPH. Fraksidilanjutkan diisolasi menggunakan kromatografi kolom dan Kromatografi LapisTipis Preparatif sampai didapatkan isolat. Hasil isolat diidentifikasi dengan FTIR,1H-NMR,13C-NMR, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, LCMSMS. Sterculia comosa (kayucomosa/KC) didapatkan isolat KC4.4.6 asam (-)-2-(E)-kafeoil-D-gliserat, danKC4.4.5.1 adalah asam trans-isoferulat, yang merupakan turunan sinamat. Sterculiamacrophylla (kayu macrophylla/KM) diperoleh senyawa senyawa KM3.9.1merupakan 3β-5α,6α-epoksi-3-hidroksi-7-megastigmen-9-on. Senyawa KM3.5.Mmerupakan asam pikolinat, dan Senyawa KM-1 merupakan campuran β-sitosteroldan stigmasterol. Hasil uji aktivitas inhibitor enzim arginase diperoleh nilai IC50untuk isolat KM3.9.1: 59,31μg/ml, KM3.5.M: 73,98 μg/ml, KC4.4.6: 98,03 μg/ml,KC4.4.5.1: 292,58 μg/ml, dan KM1: 140,56 μg/ml, kontrol positif nor-NOHA:3,97 μg/ml. Aktivitas antioksidan metode DPPH didapatkan nilai IC50 isolatKM3.9.1:92,60 μg/ml, KM3.5.M: 106,42 μg/ml, KC4.4.6: 48,77 μg/ml, KC4.4.5.1:88,08 μg/ml dan KM1: 185,09 μg/ml, kontrol positif kuersetin: 5,63 μg/ml.Aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode FRAP KM3.9.1: 10,76 FeEAC (Mol/g),KM3.5.M: 5,79 FeEAC (Mol/g), KC4.4.6: 16,40 FeEAC (Mol/g), KC4.4.5.1: 15,79FeEAC (Mol/g) KM-1: 11,89 FeEAC (Mol/g), kontrol positif kuersetin: 1201,61FeEAC (Mol/g). Isolat KM3.9.1 (3β-5α,6α-epoksi-3-hidroksi-7-megastigmen-9-on) merupakan senyawa yang mempunyai aktivitas sebagai inhibitor enzim yangpaling baik, sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan yang paling baik adalah isolatKC4.4.6/asam ()-2-(E)-kafeoil-D-gliseratArginase (L-arginine urea-hydrolase) is an enzyme that plays a role in the ureacycle. Arginase also plays an essential role in the production of Nitric Oxide (NO).NO balance disorder is a contributor to the impaired endothelial function of bloodvessels. Phenol and flavonoid compounds are known to have arginase inhibitoryactivity. The genus Sterculia contains rich of phenol compounds and flavonoids.This study aims to obtain compounds from the genus Sterculia which have arginaseinhibitory activity. The study began with the screening of five plants of Sterculiagenus: S. macrophylla, S. comosa, S.parkinsonii, S.rubiginosa, S.stipulata. Theparts used are leaves and wood. The extract tested for the activity of arginaseinhibitory activity and antioxidant by DPPH and FRAP methods. The activeextracts were methanol extract of Sterculia comosa wood and methanol extract ofSterculia macrophylla wood. The active extract was separated by vacuum columnchromatography into fractions. Each fraction tested for the activity of arginaseinhibitory and antioxidant by the FRAP and DPPH methods. The fraction isolatedusing column chromatography and Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography untilisolates obtained. The isolates identified with FTIR, 1H-NMR,13C-NMR, HSQC,HMQC, HMBC, LCMSMS. Sterculia comosa (comosa woods/KC) obtainedisolates KC4.4.6/(-)-2-(E)-caffeoyl-D-glyceric acid., KC4.4.5.1 trans-isoferrulicacid, which are cinnamic. Sterculia macrophylla (comosa woods/KC) obtainedcompound: KM3.9.1 is a compound of 3β-5α,6α-epoxy-3-hydroxy-7-megastigmen-9-one. KM3.5.M is picolinic acid, and KM1 is β-sitosterol andstigmasterol. The results of arginase enzyme inhibitor activity obtained IC50 valuesfor isolates KM3.9.1: 59.31 μg/ml, KM3.5.M: 73.98 μg/ml, KC4.4.6: 98.03 μg/ml,KC4.4.5.1: 292.58 μg/ml, and KM1: 140.56 μl/ml, positive control of nor-NOHA:3.97 μg/ml. Antioxidant activity DPPH method obtained IC50 isolates KM3.9.1:92.60 μg/ml, KM3.5.M: 106.42 μg/ml, KC4.4.6: 48.77 μg/ml, KC4.4.5.1: 88,08μg/ml and KM1: 185.09 μg/ml. Quercetine as positive control: 5.63 μg/ml.Antioxidant activity with FRAP method KM3.9.1: 10.76 FeEAC (Mol/g),KM3.5.M: 5.79 FeEAC (Mol/g), KC4.4.6 of 16.40 FeEAC (Mol/g), KC4.4.5.1:15.79 FeEAC (Mol/g) KM1: 11.89 FeEAC (Mol/g), quercetine: 1201.61 FeEAC(Mol/g). KM3.91 (3β-5α,6α-epoxy-3-hydroxy-7-megastigmen-9-one) isolates wascompound that have the best activity as enzyme inhibitor, while the best antioxidantactivity was KC4.4.6/()-2-(E)-caffeoyl-D-glyceric acid. |