Tesis ini membahas mengenai Pembuatan Akta Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)dengan penyalahgunaan keadaan dan kuasa mutlak yang mengakibatkan berpindahnyakepemilikan hak atas tanah tanpa diketahui oleh pihak penjual. Adapun rumusan masalahdalam tesis ini adalah pembuatan akta PPJB 01/2010 dengan penyalahgunaan keadaanserta Akta Kuasa Mutlak 02/2010 yang berakibat pada peralihan hak atas tanahberdasarkan putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 197 PK/Pdt/2019 dantanggung jawab PPAT yang membuat Akta Jual Beli Nomor 02/2011 berdasarkan AktaKuasa Mutlak. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dan tipe penelitian iniproblem identification. Hasil analisa dari permasalahan tesis ini adalah batal demi hukumkarena PPJB 01/2010 dan Akta Kuasa melanggar Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata yaitu syaratsubyektif dan objektif. Sehingga AJB 02/2011 batal demi hukum, PPAT yang membuatAJB 02/2011 yg berdasarkan kuasa mutlak dapat dikenakan pertanggung jawaban secaraperdata, karena menimbulkan kerugian dan melanggar hak pihak lain. Bagi pemerintahharus segera membuat Undang-undang mengenai penggunaan kuasa mutlak untukpemindahan hak atas tanah, sehingga di kemudian hari tidak terjadi lagi permasalahanyang merugikan pihak pembeli maupun penjual, dan bagi masyarakat yang inginmelakukan perbuatan hukum harus lebih memperhatikan lagi klausul-klausul yangterdapat dalam akta, agar tidak ada sengketa di kemudian hari. PPAT sebagai pejabatumum pembuat akta autentik harus lebih berhati-hati dan teliti dalam membuat aktaautentik, agar tidak dijadikan turut tergugat. PPAT wajib menolak untuk membuat AJB,apabila terdapat kuasa mutlak yang bertentangan dengan Instruksi Mendagri Nomor 14Tahun 1982 dan Pasal 39 ayat 1 huruf d Peraturan pemerintah nomor 24 Tahun 1997tentang pendaftaran tanah, terkait larangan PPAT untuk membuatkan akta atas dasarkuasa mutlak. This thesis discuss about drawing up a Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement with abuseof circumstances and utilization of the Irrevocable Power of Attorney on Attorney forConveyancing Land Rights Deed would causing those deed void by law. That because ofdrafting a Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement should be based on the conformity andconsensus between parties while the use of Irrevocable Power of Attorney on acquittalsale and purchase for legal protection of the buyer. The issue in this thesis is the drawingup of Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement Number 01/2010 with the abuse ofcircumstances and the Irrevocable Power of Attorney Number 02/2010 which results inthe conveyance of land rights based on the Supreme Court of Republic of IndonesiaDecision Number 197 Pk/Pdt/2019 and the responsibility of Land Deed Official relatedto its jurisdiction to drafting the Sale and Purchase Deed Number 02/2011 based on theIrrevocable Power of Attorney. This research uses normative judicial research andproblem identification type of research. The result of this research is The Sale andPurchase Binding Agreement Number 01/2010 as well as the Irrevocable Power ofAttorney Number 02/2010 caused to void by law because they contravene Article 1320of Civil Code which ruled about subjective and objective requirements. Because of theSale and Purchase Binding Agreement Number 01/2010 is void by law, the Land DeedOfficial that draft the Sale and Purchase Deed Number 02/2011 with Irrevocable Powerof Attorney could be subject to civil accountability for causing losses to other parties. Thegovernment must immediately make a law regarding the use of absolute power to transferland rights, so that in the future there will be no more problems that harm buyers andsellers, and for people who want to take legal actions, they must pay more attention to theclauses contained. in the deed, so that there are no disputes in the future. PPAT as ageneral official who makes authentic deeds must be more careful and thorough in makingauthentic deeds, so that they are not made a defendant. PPAT is obliged to refuse to makeAJB, if there is absolute power that contradicts the Instruction of the Minister of HomeAffairs Number 14 of 1982 and Article 39 paragraph 1 letter d Government RegulationNumber 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, related to the prohibition of PPAT frommaking deeds on the basis of absolute power. |