Sebagai bahan penelitian adalah gedung Pusat Inovasi dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia milik kementrian perindustrian yang merupakan salah satu gedungbertingkat di Jakarta. Mulai dibangun pada awal 2020, terdiri dari 8 lantai dengan fungsiutamanya adalah kantor dan pusat inovasi serta pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Darisegi struktur dan arsitekturnya telah diteliti oleh tim pelaksana teknis di lapangan, dimana60% sudah memenuhi konsep green building. Sedangkan dari segi konservasi energinyabeberapa perlu dikaji ulang, seperti: pencahayaan, pendingin ruangan, penghawaan danenergi terbarukan yang pasti membantu dalam proses penghematan energinya. Dariperhitungan ulang desain awal perencanaan didapatkan Indeks Konsumsi Energinya adalah11 kWh/m²/bulan. Sesuai standar Permen ESDM No. 13/2012 sudah termasuk cukupefisien (8.5 - 14 kWh/m²/bulan). Namun dengan investasi sebesar Rp. 2,842,540,600,-yaitu dengan pemanfaatan pencahayaan alami melalui teknologi sensor cahaya dan sensorgerak, penggantian pendingin udara menggunakan Chiller, tidak menggunakan AC padaarea-area tertentu seperti: lobby Lift, koridor, toilet dan tangga darurat. Penambahan danpenggantian material, instalasi dan teknologi tersebut dihitung Return of Investment nyadan dibandingkan terhadap manfaat yang didapatkan. Hasilnya nilai Indeks KonsumsiEnerginya turun menjadi 7.6 kWh/m²/bulan (sangat efisien). Nilai investasi yangdikonversikan terhadap nilai keekonomian tiap tahunnya Rp. 682,676,662,- maka Returnof Investment yang didapatkan adalah 4.2 tahun As research material, the Ministry of Industry's Center for Innovation and HumanResources Development is one of the high rise buildings in Jakarta. This building began tobe built in early 2020, consisting of 8 floors with the main function of being an office anda center for innovation and human resource development. In terms of structure andarchitecture, it has been researched by a technical implementation team in the field, where60% have fulfilled the green building concept. Meanwhile, in terms of energyconservation, several things need to be reviewed, such as: lighting, air conditioning,ventilation and renewable energy which definitely help in the process of saving energy.From the recalculation of the initial design planning, the Energy Consumption Index wasobtained as 11 kWh / m² / month. In accordance with the standard Permen ESDM No.13/2012 is quite efficient (8.5 - 14 kWh / m² / month). However, with an investment of2,842,540,600 rupiah namely by utilizing natural lighting through light sensor technologyand motion sensors, replacing air conditioning using a chiller, not using air conditioning incertain areas such as: lobby lifts, corridors, toilets and emergency stairs. The Return ofInvestment and the addition and replacement of materials, installations and technology arecalculated and compared to the benefits obtained. The result is that the EnergyConsumption Index value drops to 7.6 kWh / m² / month (very efficient). The investmentvalue which is converted to the economic value each year is 682,676,662 rupiah then theReturn of Investment obtained is 4.2 years |