Penerapan tatalaksana COVID-19 masih mengalami kendala pada RSUD dr. Agoesdjam, dimana masih ada kekurangan berupa dokter dan perawat belum mendapatkan pelatihan penanganan pasien COVID-19 dan ruang isolasi belum standar. Pada tanggal 7 Mei 2020, Kabupaten Ketapang PDP total 43 orang yaitu laki-laki 23 orang dan perempuan 20 orang. ODP berjumlah 1057 orang dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki 608 orang dan perempuan 449 orang dan positif 12 orang dan meninggal 1 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik demografi, pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap kepatuhan perawat dan bidan dalam tatalaksana COVID-19 di RSUD dr. Agoesdjam Kabupaten Ketapang tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah perawat dan bidan yang menangani Covid-19 di RSUD dr. Agoesdjam Kabupaten Ketapang sebanyak 44 responden. Data Primer diperoleh dari hasil penyebaran Google Form yang telah teruji validitas dan reabilitas. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariate. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan responden penelitian ini adalah perawat (6,8%) dan bidan (93,2%) berjenis kelamin perempuan (84,1%) dengan usia <45 tahun (97.7%) serta berpendidikan S1 (56.8%) memiliki pengetahuan 88.69 baik, bersikap baik 82.18 serta tingkat kepatuhan 82.96. Pada perawat dan bidan yang patuh, proporsi pengetahuan tinggi lebih besar daripada yang pengetahuan rendah dalam tatalaksana COVID-19. RSUD dr. Agoesdjam diharapkan dapat memberikan pelatihan atau keterampilan, melakukan bimbingan (coaching) kepada petugas secara berkala mengenai prosedur kerja, pencegahan dan pengendalian COVID-19. The implementation of COVID-19 management is still having problems at RSUD dr. Agoesdjam, where there is still a shortage of doctors and nurses who have not received training in handling COVID-19 patients and isolation rooms are not standardized. On May 7, 2020, Covid 19 patients under supervision of Ketapang District had a total of 43 people, namely 23 men and 20 women. Total of person in monitoring is 1057 people with the gender of 608 men and 449 women and 12 positive people and 1 person died. The study aims to determine the relationship between demographic characteristics, knowledge and attitudes towards the compliance of nurses and midwives in managing COVID-19 in dr. Agoesdjam Ketapang Regency in 2020. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional design. The samples of this study were nurses and midwives who handled Covid-19 at dr. Agoesdjam Ketapang Regency as many as 44 respondents. Primary data is obtained from the results of the distribution of Google Forms that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results of this study shows that the respondents of this study are female nurses (6.8%) and midwives (93.2%) aged < 45 years old (97.7%) and undergraduate education (56.8%) having knowledge 88.69 good, being kind 82.18 and the level of obedience 82.96. Nurses and midwives with good knowledge are more obedient than those with poor knowledge so that it will affect attitudes and practices in the management of COVID-19. It is hoped that it can provide training or skills to officers through availability of regular education and training on working procedural, preventing and controlling of COVID-19. |