Mulsa plastik telah dilaporkan sebagai metode paling efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan gulma dan meningkatkan produksi tanaman tomat. Namun, mulsa plastik berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan, sehingga mulsa organik dianggap sebagai metode alternatif untuk mengendalikan pertumbuhan gulma. Sekam padi merupakan salah satu bahan mulsa yang menjanjikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mulsa sekam padi terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tomat dan pengaruhnya dalam menghambat pertumbuhan gulma. Tiga perlakuan (tanpa mulsa, mulsa sekam padi sebanyak 4 kg/m2, dan mulsa plastik) diaplikasikan pada 6 plot penanaman yang berisi 6 tanaman tomat/plot. Secara statistik mulsa sekam padi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tomat, ukuran buah, dan bobot buah. Sebaliknya, tanaman yang diberi mulsa plastik menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Terdapat indikasi tanaman yang diberi mulsa sekam padi mengalami over mulsa (overmulching) karena sebagian daun terlihat kekuningan dan terbakar. Namun, perlakuan mulsa sekam padi dianggap sama efektifnya dengan mulsa plastik dalam menghambat pertumbuhan gulma karena kepadatan gulma turun hingga 75 %. Plastic mulch has been reported as the most effective method in inhibiting weeds and increasing tomato production. As plastic mulches bring adverse effect to environment, organic mulches are considered as the alternative method to control weed growth. Rice husk (RH) is one of the promising materials for mulch. This study aimed to investigate the effect of fresh RH mulch on tomato plant’s growth and its effect on inhibiting weed growth. Three treatments (without mulch, 4 kg/m2 RH mulch, and plastic mulch) were carried out in a total of 6 plots containing 6 tomato plants/plot. Statistically, RH mulch had no significant effect on tomato plant growth, fruit size, and fruit weight. In contrast, plants treated with plastic mulch showed better growth even though it was not statistically significant. There was in indication of plants treated with RH mulch experienced over mulching as some of their leaves were observed to be yellowish and burnt. However, RH mulch treatment was considered as effective as plastic mulch in inhibiting weed growth as the weed density was decreased up to 75 %. |