Senyawa derivat spirooxindole merupakan senyawa heterosiklik, yang memilikiaktivitas biologi dan peran dalam farmasi karena kerangkanya. Sintesis derivatsenyawa spirooxindole dilakukan dengan sistem reaksi multikomponen (MCR), yangterdiri dari dua tahapan reaksi, yaitu kondensasi Knovenagel dan reaksi adisi-Michael. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mensintesis derivat senyawaspirooxindole dengan menggunakan nano TiO2/SiO2 sebagai katalis serta melakukanuji aktivitas antioksidan. Katalis nano TiO2/SiO2 disintesis menggunakan metode solgeldan dikarakterisasi dengan FT-IR, XRD, EDS, serta TEM. Selanjutnya, katalisdigunakan untuk sintesis derivat senyawa spirooxindole. Kondisi optimal diperolehdengan menggunakan 12,5% mol katalis TiO2/SiO2 pada suhu 50oC selama 4 jamdalam pelarut etanol dengan persen yield sebesar 86,81%. Kondisi reaksi tersebutdapat pula diterapkan pada prekursor lain berupa asam tiobarbiturat dan etilasetoasetat sebagai pengganti dari asam barbiturate dengan persen yield masingmasing64,69% dan 79,38%. Senyawa hasil sintesis dikonfirmasi menggunakaninstrument FT-IR, UV-Vis, uji titik leleh dan LC-MS/MS. Berdasarkan uji DPPH,diketahui bahwa derivate senyawa spirooxindole hasil sintesis memiliki potensisebagai senyawa antioksidan Spirooxindole derivatives are included in the heterocyclic group of compounds,spirooxindole derivatives have biological activity and have an important role in thepharmaceutical field because of their framework. The synthesis of spirooxindolederivatives was carried out using a multicomponent reaction system (MCR), whichconsists of two reaction stages, namely the Knovenagel condensation and theMichael-addition reaction. The selection of the MCR method was made because thissystem was considered to be more efficient, easier, and produced good yields in eachsynthesis. The purpose of this study was to synthesize the derivatives ofspirooxindole compounds using nano TiO2 / SiO2 as a catalyst and to test theantioxidant activity of the synthesized compounds. Nano TiO2 / SiO2 catalyst wassynthesized using the sol-gel method and characterized by FT-IR, XRD, EDS, andTEM. Furthermore, the catalyst is used for the synthesis of spirooxindole compoundderivatives. The optimal conditions were obtained by using 12.5% mole of TiO2 /SiO2 catalyst at 50oC for 4 hours in ethanol solvent with a percent yield of 86.81%.The reaction conditions can also be applied to other precursors in the form ofthiobarbituric acid and ethyl acetoacetic as a substitute for barbiturate acid with thepercent yield of 64.69% and 79.38%, respectively. The synthesized compounds wereconfirmed using the FT-IR, UV-Vis, melting point test and LC-MS / MS instruments.Based on the DPPH test, it is known that the synthesized derivative of thespirooxindole compound has potential as an antioxidant compound |