Sejak Tahun 2015 Pemerintah Indonesia menargetkan kebijakan pemberian akses legalterhadap pengelolaaan hutan negara seluas 12,7 hektar melalui program perhutanan sosial(Hutsos) untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar hutan dan mencegahdeforestasi. Tulisan ini menelusuri desa-desa penerima Hutsos dan membandingkannyadengan desa-desa yang memiliki hutan yang tidak menerima Hutsos di tiga pulauSumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi di Indonesia. Dengan pendekatan mixed method,penelitian ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan apakah dengan memberikan akses legalkepada masyarakat yang dikelola oleh lembaga ekonomi lokal dalam program perhutanansosial dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan usaha di desa dan menekan laju deforestasi.Analisis secara empiris mengunakan metode Instrumental variable dan untukmemperdalam faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi outcome tersebut dilakukan in-depthinterview dengan stakeholder. Temuan studi ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan Hutsosbelum berdampak signifikan kepada pertumbuhan jumlah usaha dan deforestasi.Penyebab belum berdampaknya program Hutsos terhadap pertumbuhan usaha di desakarena lahan yang terbatas akibat restriksi peraturan pasca penetapan hutan sosial,kapasitas wirausaha sumber daya pengelola hutan, belum terintegrasi program hutansosial dengan program desa dan rendahnya modal dan pemanfaatan teknologi pengolahanhasil hutan. Sementara, Hutsos belum berdampak pada deforestasi karena rendahnyakualitas perencanaan pengelolaan hutan dan intervensi kebijakan terkait penanamanhutan di lahan kritis yang belum optimal. Since 2015 the Government of Indonesia has targeted a policy of providing legal accessto the management of state forests covering an area of 12.7 hectares through the socialforestry program (SFP) to improve the welfare of forest communities and preventdeforestation. This paper traces village SFP beneficiaries and compares them to villagesthat have forests that did not receive SFP on the three islands of Sumatra, Kalimantanand Sulawesi in Indonesia. With a mixed method approach, this study seeks to answer thequestion whether providing legal access to communities managed by local economicinstitutions in SFP can increase business growth in villages and reduce the rate ofdeforestation. The empirical analysis used the Instrumental variable method and in-depthinterviews were conducted to deepen the factors that affect the outcome. The findings ofthis study indicate that the existence of SFPs has not had a significant impact on thegrowth in the number of businesses and deforestation in both protected and productionforests zone. The reason why the SFP has not yet had an impact on business growth invillages is due to limited land due to restrictions on post-determination of social forests,the entrepreneurial capacity of forest managers, not yet integrated SFP with villageprograms and low capital and utilization of forest product processing technology.Meanwhile, SFP has not yet had an impact on deforestation because of the low quality offorest management planning and policy interventions related to forest planting in criticalland that has not yet optimal. |