Pendahuluan: Proses degeneratif yaitu berkurangnya kemampuan sel dalammenjalankan fungsi dan kematian sel karena metabolisme tubuh yang lemah. Penyakitdegeneratif terjadi pada usia manula 50 tahun. Salah satu penyakit degeneratif adalahostearthiritis, osteoarthritis menduduki 10 besar penyebab disabilitas yang disebabkanoleh degeneratif. Kejadian osteoarthritis pada tahun 2050 meningkat 20% diseluruh duniatidak terkecuali Indonesia mengalami kenaikan 5% pada kurun beberapa tahun.Osteoarthritis merupakan kerusakan sendi yang terjadi penuaan dikarenakan kurangnyaproduksi kolagen yang sulit beregenerasi, kerusakan terjadi pada jaringan osteochondralyaitu jaringan pada sendi dan pada ujung tulang yang dilapisi oleh kartilago artikular.Jaringan kartilago artikular memiliki kekurangan meregenerasi yaitu sulit memperbaikijaringan apabila terjadi kerusakan. Metode rekayasa jaringan memberikan pilihan terbaikdengan menggunakan mesenchymal stem cells, scaffold dan senyawa kimia signalinguntuk mengembalikan kerusakan tersebut. Tujuan: Fabrikasi scaffold graphene oxide/hyaluronate/fibrin yang dapat menginduksi osteogenesis pada perbaikan rekayasajaringan osteochondral dengan mengkarakterisasi sifat scaffold dengan parameter ujifisika, kimia, dan biologi. Metode: Sintesis kimia; fabrikasi scaffold metode freezedriying; karakterisasi SEM dan FTIR; uji tekan dan porositas; uji swelling, wettability,dan laju degradasi; uji biokompabilitas (viabilitas sel kualitatif dan kuantitatif (MTSassay); uji diferensiasi sel (pewarnaan alizarin red); dan analisis statistik. Hasil: Fabrikasiscaffold dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok GO, GOHA, dan GOHAF dengan metode freezedrying diameter 1 cm dan luas permukaan 4,17 cm2. Karakterisasi uji SEM rentangukuran pori sebesar 20 – 200 μm. Pada scaffold GO 100 – 250 μm, GOHA 80 – 200 μm,dan GOHAF 20 – 150 μm. FTIR scaffold GO terdapat gugus O-H, C=O, C=C, C-OH,dan C-H; pada scaffold GOHA terdapat gugus O-H, C=O, C=C, C-OH, C-H, dan amida II; pada scaffold GOHAF terdapat gugus O-H, C=O, C=C, C-OH, C-H, amida II danamida I. Uji mekanik tekan pada kekerasan tekan scaffold GO sebesar 294 KPa, GOHAdan GOHAF sebesar 194 KPa. Sedangkan pada Young’s Modulus GO 0.09 MPa lebihkecil dibandingkan GOHA 0.11 MPa, dan GOHAF 0.10 MPa. Laju porositas pada GOlebih besar yaitu berturut-turut H+1 sebesar 77%, H+3 sebesar 67%, dan H+5 sebesar61%; scaffold GOHA lebih rendah yaitu H+1 sebesar 41%, H+3 sebesar 30%, dan H+5sebesar 18%; scaffold GOHAF lebih rendah H+1 sebesar 37%, H+3 sebesar 24%, danH+5 sebesar 11%. Rasio swelling terbaik yaitu pada scaffold GOHAF lebih rendah8,48%. Kapasitas wettability terbaik yaitu pada scaffold GOHAF lebih rendah 28%. Rasiolaju degradasi terbaik yaitu pada scaffold GOHAF lebih rendah 0.30%. Persentaseviabilitas sel kualitatif (direct) terbaik yaitu scaffold GOHAF sebesar 75% dan persentaseviabilitas sel kualitatif (indirect) terbaik yaitu scaffold GOHAF sebesar 109% padaperendaman 48 jam dan 72 jam dengan nilai absorbansi 0,72 OD. Uji diferensiasi selosteogenik yang terbaik yaitu pada scaffold GOHAF sebesar 905% terdiferensiasimenjadi sel osteogenik dengan absorbansi 0,0915 OD. Terdapat pengaruh komposisiscaffold graphene oxide/hyaluronate/fibrin (GOHAF) terhadap jumlah induksiosteogenesis atau terdiferensiasi menjadi sel osteogenik dengan hasil uji statistiksignifikasi p value <0,05. Introduction: The degenerative processes, namely the reduced ability of cells to carryout functions and cell death due to weak metabolism. Degenerative diseases occur inseniors aged 50 years. One of the degenerative diseases is osteoarthritis, osteoarthritisoccupies the top 10 causes of disability caused by degenerative. The incidence ofosteoarthritis in 2050 increases by 20% worldwide, including Indonesia, which hasincreased by 5% in several years. Osteoarthritis is joint damage that occurs with agingdue to a lack of collagen production, which is difficult to regenerate, damage occurs inosteochondral tissue, namely the tissue in the joints and at the ends of bones covered byarticular cartilage. The articular cartilage tissue has the disadvantage of regenerating thatit is difficult to repair the tissue if there is damage. The tissue engineering methodprovides the best choice by using mesenchymal stem cells, scaffold, and chemicalsignaling compounds to reverse the damage. Objective: Fabrication of grapheneoxide/hyaluronate/fibrin scaffold for induced osteogenesis in osteochondral tissueengineering repair. Methods: Chemical synthesis; scaffold fabrication freeze driyingmethod; SEM and FTIR characterization; compressive and porosity test; swelling,wettability, and degradation rate tests; biocompatibility test (qualitative and quantitativecell viability (MTS assay)); cell differentiation test (alizarin red stain); and statisticalanalysis. Result: Scaffold fabrication was divided into three groups GO, GOHA, andGOHAF by a freeze-drying method with a diameter of 1 cm and a surface area of 4.17cm2. Characterization of SEM test pore size ranges of 20-200 m. The scaffold is GO 100- 250 m, GOHA 80 - 200 m, and GOHAF 20 - 150 m. FTIR scaffold GO contains O-H,C = O, C = C, C-OH, and C-H groups; on the GOHA scaffold there are O-H, C = O, C =C, C-OH, C-H, and amide II groups; on the GOHAF scaffold, there are groups of O-H, C= O, C = C, C-OH, C-H, amide II and amide I. The compressive mechanical test on thecompressive hardness of the GO scaffold is 294 KPa, GOHA and GOHAF are 194 KPa. Whereas in Young's Modulus GO 0.09 MPa is smaller than GOHA 0.11 MPa, andGOHAF 0.10 MPa. The porosity rate in GO was greater in H + 1 of 77%, H + 3 of 67%,and H + 5 of 61%; than GOHA scaffold was lower in H + 1 by 41%, H + 3 by 30%, andH + 5 by 18%; than GOHAF scaffold was lower in H + 1 by 37%, H + 3 by 24%, and H+ 5 by 11%. The best swelling ratio is the GOHAF scaffold which is 8.48%. The bestwettability capacity is the GOHAF scaffold, which is 28%. The best degradation rate ratiois the GOHAF scaffold which is 0.30%. The best qualitative (direct) cell viabilitypercentage was 75% GOHAF scaffold and the best qualitative (indirect) cell viabilitypercentage was 109% GOHAF scaffold immersion for 48 hours and 72 hours with anabsorbance value of 0.72 OD. The best osteogenic cell differentiation test is the GOHAFscaffold, which is 905% differentiated into osteogenic cells with an absorbance of 0.0915OD. There is an effect on the composition of the scaffold grapheneoxide/hyaluronate/fibrin (GOHAF) in the amount of osteogenesis induction ordifferentiation into osteogenic cells with statistical test results of significance p-value<0.05. |