Praktik Kerja Profesi di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Fatmawati dan Apotek Roxy Depok periode September-Desember Tahun 2020 bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab apoteker, menerapkan ilmu yang telah dipelajari, meningkatkan keterampilan, serta menambah wawasan melalui pengalaman praktik di pelayanan kefarmasian seperti rumah sakit dan apotek. Selama menjalankan praktik kerja profesi, peserta diberikan tugas khusus berupa Pemantauan Terapi Obat (PTO) antibiotik pada pasien pasca operasi dan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi Narkotika dan Psikotropika di Apotek Roxy Klender. Tugas khusus tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui rasionalitas penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien pasca operasi di RSUP Fatmawati dan mengetahui gambaran pengelolaan Narkotika dan Psikotropika di Apotek Roxy Depok dibandingkan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Secara umum, penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien pasca operasi di RSUP Fatmawati dikatakan rasional. Namun, ditemukan permasalahan terkait obat pada saat proses operasi yakni waktu pemberian antibiotik profilaksis yang tidak tepat. Selanjutnya, pengelolaan Narkotika dan Psikotropika di Apotek Roxy Depok meliputi kegiatan pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, penyerahan, pengembalian, pemusnahan, dan pelaporan telah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Professional Work Practices at the Central General Hospital (RSUP) Fatmawati and Pharmacy Roxy Depok for the period September-December 2020 aims to find out pharmacists' responsibilities, apply knowledge that has been learned, improve skills, and gain insight through practical experience in pharmaceutical services such as hospitals and a pharmacy. While carrying out professional work practices, participants are given special assignments in the form of Monitoring Drug Therapy (PTO) for antibiotics in postoperative patients and managing Narcotics and Psychotropics pharmaceutical preparations at the Roxy Klender Pharmacy. This special task aims to determine the rationality of using antibiotics in postoperative patients at Fatmawati Hospital and to know the description of the management of Narcotics and Psychotropics at the Roxy Depok Pharmacy compared to statutory regulations. In general, the use of antibiotics in postoperative patients at Fatmawati Hospital is said to be rational. However, drug-related problems were found during the operation process, namely the inappropriate timing of prophylactic antibiotics. Furthermore, the management of Narcotics and Psychotropics at Apotek Roxy Depok includes procurement, receiving, storing, delivering, returning, destroying, and reporting in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. |