Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi konsumen atas upaya Social Responsibility pada fast fashion brands dan bagaimana tingkat Religiosity masyarakat mempengaruhi Purchase Intention-nya terhadap lini produk sustainable dalam fast fashion brands H&M atau Zara, dan mengetahui apakah nilai-nilai internal seperti General Attitude, Trust, dan Perceived Consumer Effectiveness turut berpengaruh. Responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan seseorang yang berdomisili di Indonesia, beragama Islam, berusia 17-27 tahun (lahir di tahun 1995 - 2005), dan mengetahui salah satu fast fashion brands diantara H&M atau Zara. Peneliti memperoleh 217 responden yang sesuai kriteria melalui self-administered kuesioner yang disebar secara online melalui berbagai platform media sosial, seperti Whatsapp, Line, Instagram, dan Linkedin. Peneliti kemudian mengolah data menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM dengan bantuan software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data mendukung seluruh hipotesis, yaitu Perceived Social Responsibility yang dimiliki seseorang terhadap brand mempengaruhi General Attitude, Trust, dan Perceived Consumer Effectiveness-nya secara positif. Ketiga variabel tersebut juga memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap Purchase Intention seorang konsumen pada produk sustainable dalam fast fashion brands. Disamping itu, tingkat Religiosity juga menjadi salah satu faktor yang dapat memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap Perceived Consumer Effectiveness seseorang. Penelitian ini dapat membantu para pelaku bisnis fashion yang memiliki atau ingin menjual produk sustainable dalam memahami nilai-nilai dan menciptakan persepsi brand yang baik bagi konsumen agar dapat menyesuaikan strategi bisnisnya. This research was conducted to find out how consumers' level of Religiosity and their perceptions of Social Responsibility efforts in fast fashion brands affects their Purchase Intentions towards sustainable product lines in H&M or Zara. This research also wants to find out whether internal values such as General Attitude, Trust, and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness also contribute to this. Respondents used in this study are someone who is domiciled in Indonesia, a Moslem, aged 17-27 years (born in 1995 - 2005) and knows one of the fast fashion brands between H&M or Zara. Researcher obtained 217 respondents who met the criteria through online distributed self-administered questionnaires through various social media platforms, such as Whatsapp, Line, Instagram, and Linkedin. Researcher then processed the data using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of the study indicates that the data supports all hypotheses: consumer’s Perceived Social Responsibility towards a brand affects his General Attitude, Trust, and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness positively. These three variables also have a positive influence on consumer’s Purchase Intention towards sustainable products in fast fashion brands. In addition, the level of Religiosity is also one of the factors that has a positive influence on consumer’s Perceived Consumer Effectiveness. This research hopefully will help fashion managers who have or want to sell sustainable products in understanding values and creating good brand perceptions for consumers in order to adjust their business strategies. |