Selama pandemik, tenaga kesehatan mempunyai peran penting untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Akibat tingginya kasus Covid-19 dapat menambah beban kerja serta risiko tertular mereka yang berakibat tidak hanya memberikan dampak fisik namun juga kesehatan mental. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi stressor, persepsi terhadap stressor, coping yang digunakan, gejala yang dirasakan, dan hasil dari coping. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain rapid assessment procedures. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Lazarus. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam pada 5 orang informan utama dan 2 orang informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama pandemik Covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan terdapat sumber stres (stressor) dari internal dan eksternal. Sebagian besar tenaga kesehatan mempersepsikan bahwa stressor menjadi hambatan. Sedangkan informan lainnya menyatakan stressor tidak menjadi hambatan justru menjadi tantangan. Sebagian besar informan mempersepsikan mampu mengatasi atau mengurangi stressor. Mereka juga merasa mendapat dukungan sosial dari keluarga, orang tua, dan rekan kerjanya. Berbagai macam gejala stres yang muncul berupa perubahan secara psikologis meliputi semangat untuk produktif berkurang, susah tidur, merasa jenuh, dan mudah marah. Sedangkan perubahan secara fisiologis meliputi gejala maag atau asam lambung meningkat, kelelahan, menggigil, dan banyak makan. Sebagian besar informan cenderung menggunakan Emotion Focused Coping dimana setelah melakukan coping tenaga kesehatan merasakan perasaan yang positif. During the pandemic, health workers have an important role in providing health services. Due to the high number of Covid-19 cases, it certainly adds to both the workload and the risk of contracting the disease among them. This was not only had a physical impact but also impact on mental health. This study aims to identify stressors, perception of stressors, coping strategies used to deal with stressors, symptoms felt by health workers, and outcomes of coping in health workers. This study used a qualitative method and a rapid assessment procedures design. The theory used was the theory of Lazarus. Data were collected through in-depth interview among 5 main informants and 2 key informants. This study found that there were internal and external stressors during the Covid-19 pandemic among the health workers. The majority of the health workers perceived that stressors are obstacles while some other informants perceived them neither as obstacle nor a threat, but as a challenge. Most of the informants perceived that they are able to overcome or reduce stressors. They also felt that they have social support from their family, parents, and coworkers. Various kinds of stress symptoms that appeared in the form of psychological changes include reduced enthusiasm for productivity, difficulty sleeping, feeling bored, and irritated. Meanwhile, physiological changes include symptoms of ulcers or increased stomach acid, fatigue, chills, and eating a lot. Most of the informants tend to use Emotion Focused Coping which after doing so, they felt positive feelings. |