Polisi wanita adalah polwan yang memiliki kualifikasi tertentu dibidang kepolisian dan dinyatakan layak setelah mengikuti pendidikan polri sesuai dengan Keputusan Presiden dan Kapolri. Profesionalisme merupakan komitmen polwan terhadap profesinya, sekaligus merupakan 'ruh' atau semangat, cara pandang, metode, dan praktek yang menelusuri sekaligus dijabarkan dari serangkaian karakteristik profesi yang bersangkutan. Ruang lingkup penelitian hanya dibatasi pada kepemimpinan Polwan berdasarkan pandangan anggota satuan fungsi operasional sebagai kapolsek, kasat binmas, kanit reskrim dan kanit lantas diwilayah hukum Polres Bogor. Polwan merupakan seorang wanita memiliki multitasking dan berjiwa feminim mampu menjalankan tugas sebagai seorang pemimpin dikepolisian. Apakah dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya polwan dapat melakukan tugas dengan baik seperti polisi laki-laki. Bagaimana kepemimpinan polwan dihadapkan pada tantangan tugas yang memiliki ketegasan dan keberanian namun tetap sesuai kodratnya sebagai seorang wanita. Untuk itu peneliti tertarik mengambil judul ini. Penelitian ini memiliki maksud dan tujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran kinerja tentang profesionalitas polwan sebagai pemimpin disatuan fungsi operasional Polres Bogor dan mendapatkan gambaran tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pandangan anggota satuan fungsi operasional terhadap kepemimpinan polwan di Polres Bogor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian bahwa pandangan anggota satuan fungsinya terhadap kepemimpinan polwan yang berdinas difungsi operasional Polres Bogor cukup baik dan dipandang perlu untuk melakukan penempatan Anggota Polisi Wanita secara tepat sesuai kompetensi, kinerja dan kedisiplinan. The female police officers are female policewomen who have certain qualifications in the field of police and are declared eligible after attending police education in accordance with the decree of the President and the Chief of Police. Professionalism is a policewoman's commitment to her profession, as well as a 'spirit' or spirit, perspective, method, and practice that traces and describes a series of characteristics of the profession concerned. The scope of the research is limited to the leadership of the policewomen based on the views of members of the operational function unit as police chief, head of binmas, head of criminal investigations and head of department in the jurisdiction of the Bogor Police.A policewoman is a woman who has multitasking and has a feminine spirit capable of carrying out her duties as a leader in the police. Are policewomen able to carry out their duties as well as male police officers in carrying out their duties. How the policewoman's leadership is faced with the challenge of a task that has firmness and courage but still fits her nature as a woman. For that researchers are interested in taking this title. This study has the intents and purpose to obtain an overview of the performance of policewomen's professionalism as leaders in the operational function units of the Bogor Police and obtain an overview of the factors that influence the views of members of the operational function units on the leadership of policewomen at the Bogor Police. The method used is descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the views of members of the function unit towards the leadership of the policewomen who served in the operational function of the Bogor Police were quite good and it was deemed necessary to properly place female police officers in accordance with their competence, performance and discipline. |