Pekerja Penanganan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum (PPSU) tergolong pekerja sektor kritikal bagian pelayanan masyarakat. Adanya kondisi pandemi COVID-19, tidak membuat mereka dapat bekerja di rumah karena tanggung jawab dalam pelayanan fasilitas publik sehingga hal ini berdampak terhadap pengeluaran belanja rumah tangga. Untuk itu banyak keluarga termasuk pekerja PPSU perlu adaptasi guna memenuhi kebutuhan hidup selama pandemi COVID-19. Skripsi ini mendeskripsikan strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan pekerja PPSU dalam memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga selama pandemi COVID-19. Skripsi ini merupakan laporan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan September 2020 hingga November 2021 melalui wawancara mendalam secara daring karena kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Wawancara melibatkan lima informan pekerja PPSU dan dua informan dari pihak kelurahan yang dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pekerja PPSU mendapatkan fasilitas berupa upah, tunjangan hari raya, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan, Atribut kerja, dan hak cuti; juga mendapat bantuan dari pemerintah dalam bentuk tunai seperti Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST), Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT), dan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), serta bentuk non tunai seperti sembako, kuota belajar gratis untuk anak pekerja PPSU, dan penunjang protokol kesehatan. Namun, pemberian bantuan ini tidak diberikan secara rutin sedangkan akibat pandemic ini ada peningkatan kebutuhan keluarga seperti pemasangan WiFi, membeli suplemen makanan, dan adanya persiapan untuk biaya tak terduga. Oleh karena itu terungkap adanya strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan pekerja PPSU agar tetap memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga yaitu pertama, strategi adaptasi aktif berupa mengkomunikasikan masalah ekonomi dengan pasangan. Kedua, strategi adaptasi pasif yaitu menunda kebutuhan yang tidak mendesak, menabung, dan menyikapi keadaan dengan sabar. Ketiga, strategi adaptasi jaringan berupa meminjam uang. Selain ada strategi itu, terungkap pula adanya dukungan keluarga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dimasa pandemi dalam bentuk seperti anak yang bekerja untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga, mencari pekerjaan sampingan, dan mendapatkan bantuan dari keluarga besar. Terungkap pula adanya kendala-kendala adaptasi yang dialami oleh pekerja PPSU dalam memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga yaitu (1) bantuan yang diberikan pemerintah tidak mencukupi kebutuhan rumah tangga, (2) memberikan bantuan kepada kerabat, (3) kesulitan mencari pekerjaan sampingan, (4) kesulitan untuk hidup lebih hemat, (5) kesulitan mencari pinjaman uang, (6) kesulitan untuk membuka bisnis, (7) adanya pengeluaran tambahan untuk menjaga kesehatan. Public infrastructure and facilities workers (PPSU) workers have a job to be done as soon as possible to accelerate functionality of public facilities/infrastructure because if postponed it can be financial loss, dangers, even disrupt public interest. PPSU workers can be referred as “blue collar workers” which include in critical sector workers as a part of public services and cannot work from home because PPSU workers responsibility in the service of public facilities. The thing has impacts to their household needs expenditure, so that many families including PPSU workers must adapt to fulfill their needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and this research shows the welfare of PPSU workers carrying out adaptation strategies that provide academic benefits to social welfare science that provide academic benefits to social welfare science. This undergraduate thesis describes adaptation strategy have done by PPSU workers to fulfill their household needs during COVID-19 pandemic. This thesis is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection start from September 2020 to November 2021 with online deep interview because of this research is made during COVID-19 pandemic. The informant involved five PPSU worker informants and 2 informants from the urban village workers with selection purposive sampling. The result show there are an increase in needs such as Wi-Fi installation and its monthly bill, buying food supplement, and preparing for unforeseen expenses. Despite an increase in needs, PPSU workers get facilities such as salary, religious holiday allowance, Social Health Insurance Administration Body, work attributes, and leave rights. Moreover, there are assistance from the government in the form of cash such as Cash Social Assistance (BST), Direct Cash Assistance (BLT), and the Family Hope Program (PKH), as well as in non-cash forms such as necessities, mobile data package for their kids, and healthcare equipment to support their health protocol. However, this financial assistance is not provided routinely. So that adaptation strategy adjusting with Suharto’s concept which divide adaptation strategies in three ways, first, active adaptation strategy consisting of communicating about finances with their partners. Second, passive adaptation strategy consisting of postponing non-urgent needs, saving money, and responding the condition patiently. And the last, network adaptation strategy consisting of made loans. Other than that, the financial support they have gained are family members who work to support financial condition, find other side jobs, and financial support from their relatives. This research it is revealed that there are various adaptation barriers experienced by PPSU workers to fulfill their household needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. (1) Government assistance doesn’t fulfill their household needs, (2) They give assistance to their relatives, (3) difficulty of finding side job, (4) difficulty of live frugally, (5) difficulty to find loans, (6) difficulty to start their own business, (7) There are additional expenses to keep their life healthy. |