Selama masa pandemi Covid-19, Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk upaya penanganan penyebaran virus Covid-19. Kebijakan untuk menangani virus Covid-19 yaitu adanya protokol kesehatan. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, di mana protokol kesehatan tersebut berdampak pada implementasi pemolisian komunitas di perumahan Kota Bekasi yang menghambat kohesi sosial, kontrol sosial informal dan partisipasi sosial, sehingga anggota komunitas mengalami hambatan untuk melakukan kegiatan – kegiatan sosial. Kemudian, terdapat potensi terjadinya kejahatan di perumahan Kota Bekasi karena adanya protokol kesehatan seperti bekerja di rumah atau membatasi mobilitas, penggunaan masker saat di luar rumah, menjaga jarak minimal dua meter dan menjauhi kerumunan memicu munculnya faktor kriminogenik. Adanya hambatan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan pemantauan daring agar pemolisian komunitas dapat berjalan selama masa pandemi Covid-19. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian Government released the policy to handle the spread of Covid-19 virus. The policy was the health protocol. Based on the analysis that has been done, the health protocol has impacts to the implementation of community policing in the Bekasi City Housing that hampered the social cohesion, informal social control, and the community participation. Thereby, the community members had obstacles to do the social activity. Then, there is a potential for the crime to occur in the Bekasi City Housing because of the health protocol policies such as working from home or limiting the mobility, using masks when we outside, keeping the minimum distance for 2 meters long, and staying away from crowds that triggers the emergence of criminogenic factors. These obstacles can be overcome by online monitoring so that community policing can run during the Covid-19 pandemic. |