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UI - Disertasi Membership :: Kembali

Ideologi Kolonial dan Representasi Modernitas dalam Lima Antologi Puisi Masa Hindia Belanda = Colonial Modernity and Representation of Modernity in Five Anthologies of Poetry During the Dutch East indies

Ibnu Wahyudi; Sarumpaet, Riris Kusumawati, promotor; M. Yoesoef, co-promotor; Melani Budianta, examiner; Joesana Tjahjani, examiner; Bondan Kanumoyoso, examiner; Manneke Budiman, examiner (Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021)


Pada abad ke-19 telah terbit karya-karya sastra dalam bahasa Melayu di Hindia Belanda dalam bentuk puisi, prosa, dan drama. Populasi semua genre sastra itu sekitar 70 karya yang terbit mulai pertengahan abad ke-19. Sebagian besar karya belum pernah dibahas, baik secara populer maupun ilmiah padahal banyak gambaran sosiologis dan kultural di dalamnya. Berdasar kenyataan ini maka disertasi ini dikerjakan dengan berfokus pada lima antologi puisi karya Bangsjawan (Boek Saier oetawa Terseboet Pantoen, 1857), H.G.L., (Pantoon Melajoe sama Tjerita Aneh-aneh, 1858), Maradjalan (Saër Nasehat Orang Berboeat Djahat dan Saër Negri Batawi, 1866), Pattinama (Sair Kadatangan Sri Maharaja Siam di Betawi, 1871/2000), dan Tan Teng Kie (Sya’ir Jalanan Kreta Api,1890/2000). Karya lima pengarang ini dipilih dari 44 antologi puisi berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa dalam karya mereka telah tergambar adanya modernitas. Mengingat pula bahwa karya-karya ini terbit dalam bahasa Melayu sebagai ekses dari ideologi kolonial yang tidak mengajarkan bahasa Belanda kepada penduduk terjajah, maka konsep ideologi kolonial ini dipakai sebagai pemicu analisis. Untuk memahami makna primer dan makna sekunder dari antologi-antologi puisi ini, dimanfaatkan teori signifikasi Barthes dan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Melalui analisis kemudian dapat dinyatakan bahwa karya-karya syair mereka menunjukkan adanya modernitas kolonial, jelas sebagai sastra modern, serta bagian integral dari sastra Indonesia modern.

In the 19th century, literary works in Malay in the Dutch East Indies were published in the form of poetry, prose, and drama. The population of all literary genres is about 70 works published in the mid-19th century. Most of the works have never been discussed, either popularly or scientifically, even though there are many sociological and cultural images in them. Based on this fact, this dissertation has been carried out by focusing on five anthologies of poetry by Bangsjawan (Syair boek or called pantun, 1857), HGL, (Malay pantun and strange stories, 1858), Maradjalan (Advice poetry so that people do not do evil and Syair about Batawi, 1866), Pattinama (Syair about arrival of Sri Maharaja Siam in Betawi, 1871/2000), and Tan Teng Kie (Syair about railroad construction, 1890/2000). The works of these five authors were selected from 44 poetry anthologies based on the fact that their works have depicted the existence of modernity. Also considering that these works were published in Malay as an excess of colonial ideology which did not teach Dutch to the colonized people, the concept of colonial ideology was used as a trigger for analysis. To understand the primary and secondary meanings of these anthologies of poetry, Barthes' theory of signification and the sociological approach of literature are used. Through analysis, it can be stated that their poetry shows the existence of colonial modernity, is clearly seen as modern literature, and is an integral part of modern Indonesian literature.

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Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 245 pages : illustration
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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