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Analisis dan Pengukuran Tingkat Kesiapan Penerapan Knowledge Management: Studi Kasus Divisi Application Management & Operation Bank BRI = Analysis and Measurement of Knowledge Management Implementation Level of Readiness: A Case Study of Application Management & Operation Division Bank BRI

Christopher Dimas Satrio; Sensuse, Dana Indra, supervisor; Sofian Lusa, supervisor; Muhammad Anwar Ma`sum, examiner; Panca Oktavia Hadi Putra, examiner (Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022)


PP memiliki permasalahan manajemen pengetahuan terkait knowledge capturing yang dirasa belum maksimal akibat kegiatan pengembangan maupun operasional aplikasi tidak dapat berjalan dengan semestinya jika person in charge (PIC) yang bersangkutan sakit, cuti, dimutasi ataupun resign. Knowledge transfer pun masih bermasalah karena perpindahan knowledge dari satu pengembang ke pengembang lain, maupun dari satu operasional ke operasional lain di Divisi APP belum maksimal. Bagian Knowledge Management (KMG) Divisi APP telah melakukan upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan mengadakan sharing dan e-learning. Namun, hasil keikutsertaannya masih dibawah ekspektasi. Bagian KMG juga memiliki tugas membangun sebuah knowledge management system yang belum terealisasikan karena belum mengetahui model yang cocok. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut dapat menyebabkan Bank BRI mengalami loss opportunity dari aplikasi yang harusnya berjalan dengan baik dan meningkatkan biaya pengembangan. Maka dari itu diperlukan pengukuran tingkat penerapan terhadap knowledge management di Divisi APP agar permasalahan yang sudah disebutkan dapat dihindari. Pengukuran ini dilakukan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan hasilnya akan dipetakan ke dalam lima tingkat implementasi knowledge management readiness. Data yang dipakai dalam pengukuran didapat dari kuesioner yang disebar ke seluruh pegawai Divisi APP. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat kesiapan penerapan knowledge management Divisi APP Bank BRI berada di level 4 (receptive). Dari hasil tersebut dibuat rekomendasi agar Divisi APP bisa lebih siap dalam menerapkan knowledge management. Rekomendasi tersebut dipresentasikan ke tempat studi kasus dan dilakukan analisis. Hasilnya, Divisi APP Bank BRI setuju dengan rekomendasi yang telah dibuat.

The Application Management & Operations Division (APP) of Bank BRI is the division that is responsible for the development and operation of business support applications for Bank BRI. The APP Division has knowledge management problems related to knowledge capturing which is felt to be not optimal due to application development and operational activities not being able to run properly if the person in charge (PIC) concerned is sick, on leave, transferred or resigned. Knowledge transfer is still problematic because the transfer of knowledge from one developer to another, or from one operation to another in the APP Division has not been maximized. The Knowledge Management Function (KMG) of the APP Division has made efforts to overcome these problems by holding sharing and e-learning. However, the results of his participation are still below expectations. The KMG section also has the task of building a knowledge management system that has not been realized because it does not yet know the appropriate model. These problems can cause Bank BRI to experience a loss of opportunity from applications that should run well and increase development costs. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the level of application of knowledge management in the APP Division so that the problems that have been mentioned can be avoided. This measurement is carried out using descriptive analysis and the results will be mapped into five levels of knowledge management readiness implementation. The data used in the measurement was obtained from a questionnaire distributed to all employees of the APP Division. The result of this study is that the level of readiness for the application of knowledge management in the APP Division of Bank BRI is at level 4 (receptive). From these results, recommendations are made so that the APP Division can be better prepared in implementing knowledge management. The recommendations are presented to the case study site and analyzed. As a result, the APP Division of Bank BRI agreed with the recommendations that had been made.

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Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xii, 96 pages : illustrations + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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