Tujuan. Banyak pabrik di Indonesia yang mempunyai pajanan silika tinggi seperti pabrik keramik dan pabrik semen, namun belum ada penelitian mengenai penyakit gangguan restriktif pada pekerja akibat pajanan silika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui prevalensi penyakit gangguan paru restriktif pada pekerja laki laki.Metode. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional ,data diambil dari data sekunder bagian batching plant, furnace, cutting line, dan administrasi yang dilakukan pemeriksaan tahun 2003.. Hasil. Dari 449 data, didapatkan prevalensi gangguan pare restriktif pada pekerja PT. X tahun 2003 adalah 48,8%. Hubungan antara gangguan paru restriktif dengan pajanan silika bermakna (p= 0,024). Masa kerja Para pekerja sebagian besar adalah kurang dan 10 tahun (90,6%). Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara gangguan paru restriktif dengan penggunaan APD, pajanan organofosfat dan merokok.Kesimpulan. Prevalensi gangguan paru restriktif akibat pajanan debu silika terbukti pada pekerja PT. X. sebesar 48,8% pada tahun 2003. Prevalence Restrictive Lung Disorders Manufacturing Man Workers in PT. X at Cikarang.Objective of study. Many factories in Indonesia have a high exposure of silica such as cement and ceramic factories, which could cause restrictive pulmonary disease. Until now, no evidence has proved that the restrictive pulmonary disease raised among many workers, was caused by exposure of silica. Objective of study is to find out the prevalence of the restrictive pulmonary disease for man's worker, focusing on the exposure of silica.Method. The design of this study is cross sectional. Subject of the study was secondary data chosen from the employees. The subject were selected from the hatching plant department, the furnace department, the cutting line and the administrative department, which was the high exposure environment and mild exposure. The employees was examined in 2003.Result. Of total 449 data, the prevalence of restrictive pulmonary disease is 48.8%. Most of the employees have the duration of work less than 10 years. Correlation between restrictive pulmonary disease and silica exposure was significant (p = 0,024). Correlation between restrictive pulmonary disease and other related factors such as: use of personal protective equipment, organophosphate exposure, and smoking is also not significant.Conclusion. Prevalence of the restrictive pulmonary disease 48.8% in PT.X. on 2003. |