This article tries to explain two things. Firstly, the relations between the terrorist movements operating in United States and those working in the region of Southeast Asia. In the search, if is found that the second links itself to the first through the training done in Afghanistan, in the time of Cold War, when the Mujahiddins armed themselves to fight against Sovyet invasion. The spirit of defending Islam was thus imparted from the first to the second. The global war on terrorism fro United States was, consequently, also covering Southeast Asia. Secondly, this paper also tries to] describe the responses from the states in this region in handling the antiterrorism campaign fro United States. The different responses emerge when the Muslim-dominated countries in this region, -, like Indonesia, which also need to consider the domestic political dynamics in accepting United] States' proposals, are compared to those which have a long historical relations in security] cooperation with United States, like Phillipines and Thailand. |