ABSTRACT This study examines Fazlur Rahman's understanding of Islamic philosophy byanalyzing his attitude towards the works of Muslim philosophers and his belief in the valueof the Qur?an?s precepts. It pays specific attention to the relationship between hisunderstanding of philosophy and his method of interpreting the Qur?an, since in Rahman'sunderstanding, this method is the only means to satisfy the changing needs of society. Itexplores Rahman?s definition of Islamic philosophy, which is strongly characterized bythree religious terms, iman, islam, and taqwa.The thesis furthermore looks at the reasons why Rahman borrowed certainphilosophical expressions of the Muslim philosophers in his works when, at first glance,their doctrines contradict Rahman?s cum position. Special attention is paid to his bookMajor Themes ofthe Qur'an, wherein Rahman discusses human existence and his finaldestiny through his interpretation of the Qur?an. The thesis concludes that Rahman?sIslamic philosophy is a moral one, which is practically oriented and based on hisunderstanding ofthe Qur'an. Abstract Cette étude examine l?approache de Fazlur Rahman de la philosophic islamique enanalysant son attitude A l'éga.rd des ocuvres des philosophcs musulmans ainsi que lesconvictions de l'auteur concemant la valeur des préceptes du Qur?an. Elle explore lesrelations existant entre sa philosophic et sa méthode d?interprétation du Qur?an puisque,selon le raisonnement de Rahman, cette méthode demeure le seul moyen puovant satisfaireles besoins changeants de la société. De plus, l?étude explore la definition donnée parRahman de la philosophic islarnique, qui est fortemcnt caractérisée par trois termes rcligieux,c?est-A-dire, l?.iman, l?islam et le taqwa.Du plus, ce mémoire examine les motivations qui ont poussé Rahman, dans sesoeuvres, it emprunter ccrtaines expressions utilisées par les philosophcs musulmans, puisque,A premiere vue, cela semble contredire les positions prises par Rahman. Une attentionparticulicre sera accorclée 5 son livre Major Themes ofthe Qur?an dans lequel Rahmanélabore sur l'existence humaine et l?ultime destin selon son interpretation du Qur?an. Cemémoire parvient a la conclusion que la philosophic islamiquc de Rahman est unephilosophic morale, qui est pratiquement oricntée et basée sur sa comprehension du Qur?an. |