Berdasarkan hasil survei akrcditasi rumah sakit tahun 2000 salah satu hasilnyamenunjukkan pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Pusat Padangmenunj ukkan belum semuanya memenuhi standar dan parameter yang ditetapkan.Ruang gaduh gelisah di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Padang merupakan tempatmembcrikan asuhan keperawatan yang bersifat akut terutama pasien yang bam rnasuksetelah dirawat di Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD) selama 24 jam, maupun dari ruanganrawatan lainnya, tapi belum mencapai stadium tenang. berasal dan ruangan lain.Ruang khusus untuk gaduh gelisah belum tersedia lrarena selama ini dapat dirawat diUGD tapi saat ini kapasitas UGD tersebut tidak memungkinkan lagi sehingga pihakrumah sakit mcrnanfaatkan ruangan lain dimana fasilitas dan sarana yang berkaitandengan pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan di mangan ini belum sesuai dengan standarpelayanan kepcrawatan untuk pasien akut_Masalah yang ditemui dalam penelitian ini belum diketahui penéptahuan,persepsi dan sikap pelaksana Iceperawatan terhadap Standar Operasional ProsedurKeperawatan di ruang gaduh gelisah rawat inap Rumah Sakit Jiwa Pusat Padang Tujuan penelitian ini adaiah dipcrolchnya gambaran tenlang pcngetahuan,persepsi dan sikap pelaksana keperawatan terhadap Standar Operasional ProscdurKcperawatan di ruang gaduh gelisah rawat inap Rwnah Sakit J iwa Pusat PadangPenelitian ini dilakukan dcngan pendekaian kualitalif, dimana pengumpulandata djlakukan dengan Fokus Group Diskusi pada tenaga pclaksana kcperawatan danwawancara mendalam terhadap Kepala Ruangan Gaduh Gelisah, Kasi Keperawatan,Kabid Keperawatan dan Direktur, untuk menggali infonnasi secara mendalamtentang pengetahuan, persepsi sdan sikap pelaksana keperawatan terhadap StandarOpen-:sional Prosedm Keperawatan di ruang gaduh gelisah rawat ini Rumah Sakit.Iiwa Pusat Padang.Dari hasil penelitian ini terlihat bahwa semua pelaksana keperawatan sudahmengetahui Standar Operasional Prosedur secara umum, namun demikianpengetahuan tentang langkah-Iangkah Standar Operasional Proscdur masihkurang.Selain itu ditemuinya perbedaan persepsi antara tim manajemen denganpelaksana kepemwatan tentang pembuatan Standar Opcrasional ProsedurKeperawatan yang menyebabkan Standar Operasional Prosedur tidak bisa diterapkansepcrti scharusnya. Di sisi lain semua tim manajemen dan pelaksana keperawatantelah mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap Standar Operasional ProsedurKeperawatan, namun dapat alau tidaknya Standar Operasional tcrsebut diterapkantergantung pada ketersediaan sarana yang ada.Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan tim manajemen mempcrhatilcanpenempatan petugas, merencanakan alokasi dana khusus umuk peningkatankemampuan petugas, membual nmngan khusus untuk gaduh gclisah, penyamaanpersepsi antara awsan dan bawahan tentang pelaksanaan S1andar OperasionalProsedur Keperawatnn. mclakukan pembinaan dan pembentukan komitekeperawatan. U 6 1 4 5. Abstract Based on the survey conclusion of the hospital akreditated at the year 2000 thatone of that conclusion proved the nursing performer at the Central Padang PsycheHospital is not qualifying the standart and parameter that had been confirmed.The noise and nervous room in the Psyche hospital of Padang is a place thatgive nursing for seriously character especially the new patient that have taking care fromthe Emergency Room Unit ( ER ) for 24 horns, even from other nursing room, buthavcn?t reach calm stadium yet_ Special room for noise and nervous haven?t prepare yetbecause it can be taking care at the ER for a while but for now the ER capacity isn?tpossible, there for the hospital side using other room where the facility and equipmentthat related to the nursing accomplishment in this room is not suitable with the standartnursing service of seriously patient.The problem that seen in this research is undiscovered the knowledge,perseption and attitude of nursing performer to The Nursing Prosedurc of OperationalStandart in the noise and nervous room lodging care of Central Padang Psyche Hospital.This research purpose is to have picture about knowledge, perseption andattitude of the nursing performer to The Nursing Prosedure of Operational Standart in thenoise and nervous roorn lodging care of Central Padang Psyche Hospital. This research doing with qualitative approximation, where the data collecting isdoing with the Focus Discuss Group to the nursing performer activity and deepeninterview to the Chief of Noise and Nervous Room; Chief of Nursing Section, Chief ofNursing Department and The Director, to digging information decpenly aboutknowledge, perseption and attitude of the nursing performer to the Nursing Prosedure ofOperational Standart in this noise and nervous room of Central Padang Psyche Hospital.From the result of this research seen that every nursing performer have knownthe Nursing Prosedure of Operational Standart generally, but thus the knowledge aboutProsedure of Operational Standart steps is still low. Besides that the difference perseptionbetween the management team with the nursing performer about for-mating The NursingProsedure of Operational Standart that causing The Prosedure of Operational Standartcan?t be employ the way it should be. ln the other side, all the management team andnursing performer had possitive attitude to The Nursing Prosedure of OperationalStandart, but able or disable that Operational Standart employed depend on the supportedequipment that exist.With the result of this research expected that the management team concerningabout the stat? occupation, planning the special ftmd location for increased staff ability,make spacial room for noise and nervous, equalizing perseption between the superior andthe inferior about the accomplishment Nursing Prosedure of Operational Standart,nursing performer and forming nursing cornity |