Pengalaman bersalin merupakan stressor yang perlu dihadapi oleh ibu bersalin menggunakan mekanisme koping. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi mekanisme koping pada ibu bersalin di Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan responden 100 ibu pasca bersalin yang direkrut menggunakan teknik aksidental. Instrumen adalah Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale dan Labor Coping Scale yang diadaptasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 58% ibu mengalami kecemasan, dengan 80% ibu merasa mendapatkan perhatian, serta 81% ibu merasa tenang selama persalinan. Artinya, walaupun cemas ibu memiliki koping yang sangat baik saat bersalin. Peneliti merekomendasikan tenaga kesehatan terus memberikan intervensi terkait koping pada ibu bersalin terutama ibu primipara. The experience of giving birth is a stressor that needs to be faced by giving birth mothers using coping mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to identify coping mechanisms for mothers giving birth in South Tangerang. This research is a descriptive quantitative research with 100 postpartum mothers who were recruited using accidental techniques as respondents. The instruments are the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale and an adapted Labor Coping Scale. The results showed that 58% of mothers experienced anxiety, with 80% of mothers feeling that they were getting attention, and 81% of mothers feeling calm during labor. That is, even though the mother is anxious, she has very good coping during childbirth. Researchers recommend that health workers continue to provide coping-related interventions for mothers in labor, especially primiparous mothers. |