Menurut tingkat permintaan ekspor terhadap industri manufaktur sepatu dunia diperkirakan akan memengaruhi stabilitas perusahaan-perusahaan pada industri ini di Indonesia. Untuk dapat terus bersaing, diperlukan adanya inovasi dan strategi yang mumpuni di masa sekarang ini, dengan tujuan mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepercayaan buyer. Inovasi dan strategi dapat dicapai dengan penerapan digital transformasi pada proses produksi dan logistik internal perusahaan, dimana salah satu penerapannya adalah dengan implementasi sistem informasi yang mendukung proses produksi dan logistik internal. Penelitian ini meneliti proses produksi dan logistik internal perusahaan manufaktur sepatu dan merancang proses bisnis yang menginkorporasikan sistem informasi terintegrasi dalam prosesnya selama operasional perusahaan berlangsung. Didapatkan hasil rancangan sistem informasi melalui metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang terdiri atas tiga sistem. Hasil perancangan berupa use case scenario and diagram, DFD, ERD, activity diagram, dan rancangan interface dari sistem informasi. Sistem informasi yang dirancang dapat mencapai 4 tahap pengembangan teknologi pada tranformasi digital proses penjualan, yaitu digitalisasi, integrasi data, otomatisasi proses, dan integrasi sistem. The global decline in export demand for the shoe manufacturing industry is expected to affect the stability of companies in this industry in Indonesia. To be able to continue to compete, innovation and qualified strategies are needed today, with the aim of maintaining and increasing consumer confidence. These innovations and strategies can be achieved by implementing digital transformation in the company's internal production and logistics processes, where one of the applications is the implementation of information systems that support the production and internal logistics processes. This research examines the production and internal logistics processes of shoe manufacturing companies and designs business processes that incorporate integrated information systems in the process during company operations. The results of designing information systems through the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method consisting of three systems were obtained. The design results are in the form of use case Scenarios, DFD, ERD, Activity Diagrams, and information system interface designs. The designed information system can achieve 3 stages of technology development in the digital transformation of the sales process, namely digitization, data integration, process automation, and integration system. |