Apoteker sebagai salah satu tenaga kesehatan yang profesional memiliki peranan yang sangat dibutuhkan di berbagai sektor, antara lain industri farmasi, distribusi dan pelayanan. Apoteker memastikan mutu obat yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan persyaratan dan tujuan penggunaan. Tugas seorang Apoteker di distribusi adalah bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan ketentuan pengadaan, penyimpanan dan penyaluran obat atau bahan obat sesuai dengan CDOB. Apoteker harus menjamin aspek keamanan, pencegahan masuknya obat dan/atau bahan obat palsu ke dalam rantai distribusi, menjamin penyimpanan obat aman dan sesuai, termasuk selama transportasi. Apoteker juga memiliki peranan penting di tempat pelayanan kesehatan seperti di Apotek, Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas. Pelayanan kesehatan sangat diperlukan bagi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan demi kualitas hidup masyarakat yang lebih baik. Pelayanan kefarmasian meliputi dua kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan yang bersifat manajerial berupa pengelolaan Sediaan Farmasi, Alat Kesehatan, Bahan Medis Habis Pakai dan kegiatan pelayanan farmasi klinik. Apoteker menjamin seluruh rangkaian kegiatan perbekalan Sediaan Farmasi, Alat Kesehatan, dan BMHP sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Pelayanan farmasi klinik diberikan Apoteker kepada pasien untuk tujuan keselamatan pasien sehingga kualitas hidup pasien terjamin. Dalam upaya membekali mahasiswa calon apoteker dengan pengetahuan dan kemampuan tentang peran, fungsi dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi, distribusi, Rumah Sakit, apotek dan puskesmas, Program Studi Apoteker Universitas Indonesia bekerja sama dengan instansi terkait dalam penyelenggaraan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) bagi calon apoteker periode Maret-Oktober 2022. Setelah pelaksanaan PKPA diharapkan mahasiswa memiliki wawasan, keterampilan dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian sehingga siap memasuki dunia kerja sebagai tenaga farmasi yang profesional. Pharmacists as professional health workers have a role that is needed in various sectors, including the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical supplier and public health center. Pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry ensure that the quality of the drugs produced is in accordance with the requirements and intended use. The duty of a pharmacist in pharmaceutical supplier is to be responsible for implementing the provisions for the procurement, storage and distribution of drugs or medicinal ingredients in accordance with the CDOB. Pharmacists must guarantee security aspects, prevent the entry of counterfeit drugs and/or medicinal ingredients into the distribution chain, ensure safe and appropriate storage of drugs, including during transportation. Pharmacists also have an important role in health care settings such as pharmacies, hospitals and health centers. Health services are needed for the community to improve health status for a better quality of life for the community. Pharmaceutical services include two activities, namely managerial activities in the form of management of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, Medical Consumables and activities of clinical pharmacy services. Pharmacists guarantee that the entire series of activities for the supply of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and BMHP are in accordance with applicable regulations. Pharmacists provide clinical pharmacy services to patients for the purpose of patient safety so that the patient's quality of life is guaranteed. In an effort to equip prospective pharmacist students with knowledge and skills about the roles, functions and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical supplier, hospitals, pharmacies and health centers, the University of Indonesia Pharmacist Study Program works closely with relevant agencies in implementing internship for prospective pharmacists for the period March- October 2022. After the implementation of internship, students are expected to have the insight, skills and experience to do pharmaceutical work so that they are ready to enter the world of work as professional pharmacists. |