Sediaan farmasi yang didistribusi oleh PBF tidak hanya sebatas sediaan solid, semi solid atau liquid. Sediaan CCP (Cold Chain Product) dan obat kategori Narkotika, Psikotropika, Prekursor dan Obat-Obat Tertentu juga didistribusi oleh PBF, terutama oleh PBF KFTD. Selama proses distribusi dari sediaan CCP, terdapat titik kritis yang harus selalu diawasi agar tidak terjadi kerusakan sediaan selama proses pengantaran barang. Untuk obat kategori Narkotika, Psikotropika, Prekursor, dan Obat-Obat Tertentu juga selama pendistribusian harus diawasi secara ketat karena rawan terjadi penyalahgunaan. Pengamatan dilakukan di KFTD Bogor bagian Logistik dari pukul 08.00 – 16.00 dengan mengamati dan membantu proses penyiapan dan pendistribusian Cold Chain Product dan Narkotika, Psikotropika, Prekursor, dan Obat-Obat Tertentu. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara SOP Pengiriman Cold Chain Product dengan CDOB 2020 dan terdapat perbedaan antara SOP Pengiriman Narkotika dengan CDOB 2020. Perbedaan tersebut adalah hasil investigasi internal yang tidak dilampirkan pada laporan kehilangan barang narkotika ke Badan POM sedangkan pada CDOB dalam laporan kehilangan dilengkapi hasil investigasi internal. Pharmaceutical preparations distributed by PBF are not only limited to solid, semi-solid, or liquid preparations. CCP (Cold Chain Product) preparations and drugs in the category of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Precursors, and Certain Drugs are also distributed by PBF, especially by PBF KFTD. During the distribution process of CCP preparations, there are critical points that must always be monitored so that inventory damage does not occur during the goods delivery process. Drugs in the category of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Precursors, and Certain Drugs during distribution, must be closely monitored because they are prone to abuse. Observations were made at KFTD Bogor in the Logistics section from 08.00 – 16.00 by observing and assisting in the process of preparing and distributing Cold Chain Products and Narcotics, Psychotropics, Precursors, and Certain Drugs. There is no difference between the SOP for Cold Chain Product Delivery and CDOB 2020 and there is a difference between the SOP for Narcotics Delivery and CDOB 2020. The difference is the result of an internal investigation which is not attached to the report on the loss of narcotics to the POM while the CDOB in the loss report is accompanied by the results of the internal investigation. It is necessary to add the results of internal investigations to the attachment to the report on the loss of narcotic goods in the SOP so that they can comply with the 2020 CDOB. |