PENDAHULUAN: Petugas keamanan merupakan pekerjaan khusus yang membutuhkan kebugaran fisik yang baik. Upaya menjaga kebugaran fisik adalah dengan melakukan program latihan fisik secara terstruktur dengan memperhatikan frekuensi, intensitas, waktu dan jenisnya. TUJUAN: Penelitian ini akan menganalisis pengaruh program latihan fisik terstruktur, faktor individu, dan faktor terkait pekerjaan terhadap kebugaran fisik petugas keamanan di PT. Kota X Bandung. METODE: Desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yang meliputi data sosiodemografi, kebugaran fisik menggunakan metode Cooper Test, dan data faktor terkait pekerjaan (kualitas tidur, stres kerja, dan kelelahan kerja) dari 67 petugas keamanan di PT. Kota X Bandung. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Tahap pertama dialkukan analisis bivariat terhadap perubahan kebugaaran fisik sebelum dan setelah program latihan fisik secara terstruktur. Analisis multivariat dilakukan pada variabel independen (usia, indeks massa tubuh, perilaku merokok, kualitas tidur, stres kerja, dan kelelahan kerja) terhadap vaariabel dependen (perubahan kebugaran fisik). HASIL: Analisis menggunakan uji-t sampel berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara jarak tempuh pada Cooper Test sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti program latihan fisik terstruktur bagi pekerja (p < 0,001). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kelelahan kerja (p<0,001), stres kerja, dimensi ketaksaan peran (p=0,001), dimensi konflik peran (p=0,014), dimensi kelebihan beban kerja kuantitatif (p=<0,001), dimensi kelebihan beban kerja kualitatif (p=<0,001), pengembangan karir (p=0,001), dan dimensi tanggung jawab kepada orang lain (p=<0,001) dengan perubahan/perbedaan kebugaran fisik pekerja. Hasil independent t-test menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kualitas tidur dengan perubahan kebugaran jasmani pekerja (p=<0,001). Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai koefisien determinasi (R square) = 0,496 artinya variabel kelelahan kerja dan stres kerja dimensi konflik peran dan kualitas tidur dapat mempengaruhi perubahan kebugaran jasmani Petugas Keamanan PT. X sebesar 49,6%, sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang mempengaruhi kebugaran jasmani petugas adalah kelelahan kerja (p<0,001), stres kerja, dimensi konflik peran (p=0,036) dan kualitas tidur (p=0,015). Kelebihan penelitian ini menggunakan program latihan fisik sesuai dengan alat ukur kebugaran berupa lari selama 12 menit. Disamping itu penelitiian ini meneliti faktor individu dan faktir terkait pekerjaan yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil perubahan kebugaran fisik. Kekurangan penelitian ini belum mengkaji faktor lainnya seperti aktivitas fisik dan asupan nutrisi yang juga dapat mempengaruhi perubahan kebugaran fisik. KESIMPULAN: Program latihan fisik pekerja yang terstruktur berpengaruh terhadap kebugaran fisik petugas kemanan di PT. Kota X Bandung. Cooper Test dapat digunakan sebagai modalitas, baik untuk uji latih maupun uji ukur untuk meningkatkan kebugaran fisik pekerja. Kelelahan kerja, stresor kerja – konflik peran, dan kualitas tidur dapat mempengaruhi perubahan kebugaran jasmani. Perlu dilakukan upaya meningkatkan dan menjaga kebugaran fisik dengan cara mengembangkan kebijakan dan standar prosedur operasional terkait kebugaran fisik pekerja, mengupaykan jam kerja yang sesuai dengan regulasi, mengupayakan istirahat yang cukup, dan mengembangkan program bimbingan dan konseling bagi pekerja. INTRODUCTION: Security officers are specialized jobs that require good physical fitness. The effort to maintain physical fitness is to carry out a structured physical exercise program by paying attention to the frequency, intensity, time and type. AIM: This study will analyze the effect of a structured physical exercise program, individual factors, and work-related factors on the physical fitness of security officers at X Company Bandung City. METHOD: One group pretest-posttest research design. The data used is secondary data which includes sociodemographic data, physical fitness using the Cooper Test method, and data on work-related factors (sleep quality, work stress, and work fatigue) from 67 security officers at X Company Bandung City. Data were analyzed using the SPSS application. The first stage was a bivariate analysis of changes in physical fitness before and after a structured physical exercise program. Multivariate analysis was performed on the independent variables (age, body mass index, smoking behavior, sleep quality, work stress, and work fatigue) on the dependent variable (changes in physical fitness). RESULTS: Analysis using paired sample t-test showed that there was a relationship between distance on the Cooper Test before and after participating in a structured physical exercise program for workers (p <0.001). The results of the analysis showed that there was a relationship between work fatigue (p<0.001), work stress, dimensions of roel ambiguity (p=0.001), dimensions of role conflict (p=0.014), dimensions of quantitative work overload (p=<0.001), dimensions of qualitative work overload (p=<0.001), career development (p=0.001), and dimensions of responsibility to others (p=<0.001) with changes/differences in workers' physical fitness. The results of the independent t-test showed that there was a relationship between sleep quality and changes in workers' physical fitness (p=<0.001). The results of the analysis show that the coefficient of determination (R square) = 0.496 means that the variables of work fatigue and work stress dimensions of role conflict and sleep quality can affect changes in physical fitness of Security Officers of PT. X is 49.6%, the rest is influenced by other variables. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the variables affecting the physical fitness of the officers were work fatigue (p<0.001), work stress, dimensions of role conflict (p=0.036) and sleep quality (p=0.015). The advantage of this study is using a physical exercise program in accordance with a fitness measurement tool in the form of running for 12 minutes. In addition, this study examines individual and work-related factors that can affect the results of changes in physical fitness. The weakness of this study has not examined other factors such as physical activity and nutritional intake which can also affect changes in physical fitness. CONCLUSION: A structured worker physical exercise program affects the physical fitness of security officers at PT. City X Bandung. The Cooper Test can be used as a modality, both for practice test and measuring test to improve the physical fitness of workers. Work fatigue, work stressors – role conflict, and sleep quality can affect changes in physical fitness. Efforts need to be made to improve and maintain physical fitness by developing policies and standard operating procedures related to workers' physical fitness, paying for working hours according to regulations, seeking adequate rest, and developing guidance and counseling programs for workers. |