Bencana banjir kerap terjadi di Jakarta disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, seperti pendangkalan sungai, jalur air yang curam, dan intensitas hujan yang tinggi (Mane, 2019). Tidak jarang banjir menimbulkan banyak kerugian, seperti korban jiwa, korban terdampak (mengungsi), dan kerugian materi. Dalam upaya untuk evakuasi korban banjir, rescuers membutuhkan informasi nama, kontak, dan lokasi. Selain itu, dibutuhkan juga informasi jumlah orang dan kondisi korban untuk disesuaikan dengan peralatan dan kebutuhan evakuasi. Melalui penelitian ini, dikembangkan Res-Q, sebuah aplikasi berbasis Android yang dapat membantu rescuers dalam proses evakuasi korban banjir. Melalui Res-Q, rescuers dapat mengetahui lokasi korban beserta informasi terkait kondisi korban. Rescuers juga dapat melakukan komunikasi dengan korban melalui fitur kirim pesan. Selain itu, rescuers dapat menambahkan informasi posko terdekat yang dapat dikunjungi korban untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Pengembangan aplikasi dilengkapi dengan tahapan evaluasi secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Evaluasi secara kualitatif menggunakan task scenario-usability testing, sementara evaluasi kuantitatif menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS). Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, didapatkan skor SUS 76,25 dengan grade B (Good). Adapun secara kualitatif, diperlukan perbaikan pada desain interaksi dan fungsi fitur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rescuers. Floods disaster that occurs in Jakarta caused by many factors, such as river stiltation, steep waterways, and high intensity of rainfall (Mane, 2019). Flood also caused many losses, such as casualties, victims affected (evacuated), and material losses. In an effort to evacuate the victims, rescuers need information on name, contact, and location. Rescuers also need the information on number of people and conditions of the victim to be adjusted to the equipment and evacuation needs. Through this research, Res-Q was developed, an Android-based application that can help rescuers in the process of evacuating flood victims. With Res-Q, rescuers can find out the victims’ location along with information related to their condition. Rescuers can also communicate with victims through messaging feature. In addition, rescuers can add information to the nearest aid posts that victim can visit to get help. Application development is completed with qualitative and quantitative evaluation stages. Qualitative evaluation uses task scenario – usability testing, while quantitative evaluation uses System Usability Scale (SUS). Based on the evaluation result, a SUS score of 76,25 was obtained with grade B (Good). Also qualitatively, improvements are needed for interaction design and the feature functions to meet the needs of rescuers |