Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Pandemi COVID-19 terhadap kinerja harga saham berdasarkan jumlah kasus harian, jumlah kematian harian, dan tingkat vaksinasi. Lebih lanjut penelitian ini dilakukan atas Indeks Harga Sektoral yang terdapat pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), khususnya di sektor Infrastruktur. Dalam studi ini tiga independen digunakan seperti jumlah kasus, jumlah harian kematian, dan tingkat vaksinasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh antara Indeks Harga Sektoral dan jumlah kasus harian, jumlah kematian harian, dan tingkat vaksinasi bersifat timbal balik. Selain itu, penelitian sebelumnya menganalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pandemi COVID-19 di Pasar Saham berdasarkan data mainboard BEI. Variabel yang digunakan untuk melihat pengaruhnya adalah kasus harian COVID, jumlah kematian harian, dan juga pembatasan sosial. This study aims to analyze the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on stock price performance based on the number of daily cases, the number of daily deaths, and the vaccination rate. Furthermore, this research was conducted on the Sectoral Price Index found on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), especially in the Infrastructure sector.In this study three independents were used such as number of cases, daily number of deaths, and vaccination rate. This study shows that the affect between the Jakarta Stock Industrial Classification (JASICA) and the number of daily cases, the number of daily deaths, and the vaccination rate is reciprocal. In addition, previous research analyzes to determine the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Stock Market based on IDX mainboard data. The variables used to see the effect are daily cases of COVID, daily number of deaths, and also social restrictions. |