Latar belakang : Penyakit periodontal disebabkan oleh akumulasi plak mengandung kumpulan mikroorganisme patogen yang memicu respons imun host, menyebabkan pelepasan mediator inflamasi. Peradangan jaringan periodontal yang bersifat kronis menyebabkan inflamasi sistemik derajat rendah dan peningkatan kadar sitokin, seperti Interleukin 1 Beta (IL-1β). Respons imun yang konstan terhadap antigen terus menerus terjadi pada penderita long Covid. Terdapat persamaan respons inflamasi menunjukkan potensi hubungan antara periodontitis dengan infeksi COVID-19. Evaluasi parameter klinis periodontal subjek dengan dengan dan tanpa riwayat COVID-19 memberikan pemahaman dampak COVID-19 terhadap kesehatan periodontal Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan penyakit periodontal dan riwayat COVID-19 dengan parameter klinis periodontal dan kadar sitokin IL-1β. Metode : Subjek penelitian berjumlah 36 orang terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu sehat periodontal, gingivitis dan periodontitis dengan parameter klinis periodontal yang diperiksa yaitu kehilangan perlekatan klinis / CAL, indeks plak / PI, perdarahan papila interdental / PBI dan gingival index (GI). Peneliti menganalisis hasil perbandingan nilai CAL, PI, PBI, dan GI pada subjek penyakit periodontal dengan riwayat COVID-19 dan kadar interleukin dengan ELISA. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan subjek sehat, dan subjek penyakit periodontal dengan parameter klinis periodontal CAL, PI, PBI, GI yang signifikan (p<0.05). Kecenderungan peningkatan parameter klinis periodontal CAL, PI, PBI, GI sesuai keparahan penyakit periodontal. Subjek riwayat COVID-19 memiliki kadar sitokin IL-1β lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa riwayat (p<0.05). Terdapat hubungan parameter klinis Gingival Index (GI) pada subjek Gingivitis dan PBI dengan kadar sitokin IL-1β pada subjek riwayat COVID-19. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan penyakit periodontal dan riwayat COVID- 19 dengan parameter klinis periodontal dan kadar sitokin IL-1β. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa penyakit periodontal merupakan faktor resiko keparahan dari infeksi COVID dan sebaliknya. Background: Periodontal disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis, is caused by theaccumulation of plaque containing a group of pathogenic microorganisms that trigger thehost's immune response, leading to the release of inflammatory mediators. Chronicinflammation of the periodontal tissues causes low-grade systemic inflammation and anincrease in cytokine levels, such as Interleukin 1 Beta (IL-1β). Constant immuneresponses to continuous antigen exposure occur in individuals with long Covid. Thesimilarity in inflammatory responses indicates a potential connection betweenperiodontitis and COVID-19 infection. Evaluating the clinical parameter periodontal ofsubjects with and without a history of COVID-19 provides insights into the impact ofCOVID-19 on periodontal health Objective: To analyze the relationship betweenperiodontal disease and a history of COVID-19 with clinical parameter periodontal andIL-1β cytokine levels. Methods: The study included 36 participants divided into threegroups: a healthy periodontal group, a gingivitis group, and a periodontitis group. Theclinical parameter periodontal was assessed using clinical attachment loss (CAL), plaqueindex (PI), papillary bleeding index (PBI), and gingival index (GI). The researcheranalyzed the mean values of CAL, PI, PBI, and GI in patients with periodontal disease,considering their history of COVID-19 and interleukin levels using ELISA. Result:Significant differences were found between subjects with healthy clinical parameterperiodontal and those with periodontal disease, as indicated by the values of CAL, PI,PBI, and GI (p <0.05). There was a trend of increasing CAL, PI, PBI, and GI values inline with the severity of periodontal disease. Subjects with a history of COVID-19 showedhigher levels of IL-1β cytokine compared to those without a history (p <0.05). There wasa relationship between clinical parameter periodontal (Gingival Index - GI) in subjectswith gingivitis and PBI with the IL-1β cytokine levels in subjects with a history ofCOVID-19. Conclusion: There is relationship between periodontal disease and a historyof COVID-19 with clinical parameter periodontal and IL-1β cytokine levels. This studysuggests that periodontal disease is a risk factor for the severity of COVID-19 infection. |