iCloud adalah salah satu layanan penyimpanan berbasis cloud terbesar di Indonesia yang didirikan oleh perusahaan Apple untuk para penggunanya. Layanan penyedia cloud storage melihat adanya permasalahan yang meresahkan pengguna digital, seperti penyimpanan lokal, tidak bisa akses, inkonsistensi data di setiap perangkat pengguna, dan masalah backup data sehingga perusahaan Apple menawarkan keunggulan aksesibilitas, easy-recovery, easy-backup, dan proteksi privasi dengan menghadirkan iCloud. Salah satu aspek bisnis yang dikembangkan layanan iCloud yaitu menyediakan gratis kapasitas penyimpanan, namun terbatas 5 GB. Suatu kecenderungan terjadi ketika terdapat kalangan pengguna iCloud rela membeli kapasitas tambahan berbayar. Untuk mencari tahu faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi kesediaan pengguna untuk membeli premium subscription dari iCloud+, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Perceived Value Theory (PVT) dan teori Willingness To Pay (WTP). Analisis kuantitatif menggunakan metode partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) dengan jumlah 277 responden valid dari penyebaran kuesioner daring. Analisis kualitatif menggunakan metode content analysis dengan mewawancara 7 narasumber. Penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan pengaruh langsung perceived usefulness, perceived service quality, dan perceived fee serta pengaruh tidak langsung perceived privacy dan perceived security terhadap perceived value. Kemudian, faktor perceived value juga terbukti memengaruhi willingness to pay. Hasil temuan ini diharapkan dapat memperluas topik penelitian bidang cloud storage premium di Indonesia dan memberikan wawasan baru bagi penyedia layanan iCloud+ maupun lainnya untuk mengembangkan strategi layanan guna meningkatkan kesediaan pengguna membeli cloud storage premium subscription. iCloud is one of the largest cloud-based storage services in Indonesia, established by Apple for its users. Cloud storage providers observed several issues that concerned digital users, such as local storage limitations, lack of accessibility, data inconsistency across user devices, and data backup problems. In response to these challenges, Apple introduced iCloud, offering advantages in terms of accessibility, easy recovery, easy backup, and privacy protection. One of the business aspects developed by iCloud is the provision of free storage capacity, but limited to 5 GB. A tendency arises when certain iCloud users are willing to purchase additional storage capacity. To explore the factors influencing users' willingness to buy the premium subscription of iCloud+, this study employs the Perceived Value Theory (PVT) and Willingness To Pay (WTP) theory. It utilizes quantitative analysis through the partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method, with 277 valid respondents obtained through online questionnaire distribution. Additionally, qualitative analysis is conducted using content analysis by interviewing 7 informants. The research successfully establishes the direct influence of perceived usefulness, perceived service quality, and perceived fee as well as the indirect influence of perceived privacy and perceived security on perceived value. Furthermore, the study confirms that perceived value significantly influences willingness to pay. The findings are expected to broaden research topics in the premium cloud storage sector in Indonesia and provide new valuable insights for iCloud+ and other service providers to develop service strategies to increase users' willingness to pay cloud storage premium subscriptions. |